American Spy (1791-1798)

American Spy. (Masthead.)
[Lansingburgh] American Spy, 1791-1798.
Weekly. Established Apr. 8, 1791, by Silvester Tiffany, with the title of “American Spy”. With the issue of Aug. 3, 1792, William W. Wands was admitted to partnership and the paper was published by Silvester Tiffany and William W. Wands. With the issue of Dec. 21, 1792, the partnership was dissolved, although this was disputed by Tiffany, and William W. Wands became sole publisher. In June, 1797, Wands declined continuing the business and the press was sold to Robert Moffitt & Co., who established “The Northern Budget“, continuing the advertisements from the Spy. After a short interval, however, Charles R. Webster reestablished the “American Spy” and continued it up to the last issue located, that of Feb. 27, 1798, vol. 7, no. 351. The Spy was succeeded in September, 1798, by the “Lansingburgh Gazette“.
Brigham, Clarence S. “Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820.” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. April 1917. 268-269.
Dickenson, J. D. Document, 1792 June 30. 1792 June 30. Correspondence. Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University. Columbia Digital Library Collections. 14 Oct 2016. [American Spy, extra. Lansingburgh, June 30, 1792.]