In late Fall of 1910, a club charter was drawn up at a meeting held in Troy at the home of Orville E. Bosca.
“A little about The Troy Motor Boat and Canoe Club…..”

—The Troy Motorboat and Canoe Club in Warren A. Pine’s garage at Twenty-third Street and Second Avenue to-night will elect officers. The Building Committee will submit plans for the new clubhouse.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Times. January 9, 1911: col 2.

New Boathouse.

The Troy Motorboat and Canoe Club last night planned for the new boathouse in addition to electing: Commodore, Orville E. Bosca; Vice Commodore, Thomas E. Ward; Measurer, Chester Irving; President, George H. Davry; Vice President, Edward Lewis; Recording Secretary, Rowland S. Whinnery; Financial Secretary, Bertram Peddie; Treasurer, Robert U. Davry; Trustee for five years, Warren A. Pine; Trustee for four years, George H. Rich; Trustee for three years, Frederick C. Filley; Trustee for two years, Alfred L. Judkins; Trustee for one year, Milford Baxter. The plans for the new clubhouse call for a building at First Avenue and Twenty-first Street twenty-two by sixty-three feet. The first floor will be for the storage of canoes and workshop and the second floor for social purposes.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Times. January 10, 1911: col 2.