Oolah Club
—J. R. Allis has completed a large photographic group of the members of the Oolah social club.
Troy Daily Times. December 9, 1889: 3 col 4.
The Oolah club has become incorporated under the law of the State, the articles of incorporation having been filed this week with the Secretary of State and County Clerk. The club is composed of wide awake and progressive young men and is in a flourishing condition financially. Considerable dramatic, musical and literary talent has developed among the members of the organization and a number of entertainments will be given during the coming winter that will be sure of a liberal patronage. A convenient building on Second avenue has been leased for a club house, and it will be fitted up for the comfort of the members. The trustees elected for the ensuing year are: Frank Higgins, Chas. E. O’Brien, Jas. Moore, Edward Flinton, John Mullon and Timothy Quillinan.
Lansingburgh Courier. September 1, 1892: 3 col 3.
—The Oolah club has taken the rooms over the police station for the present, and all of their meetings will be held there. The club will open the social season on the evening of Oct. 4 with a full dress reception in Concert Hall.
“Local News and Seasonable Jottings.” Lansingburgh Courier. September 22, 1892: 3 col 1.
—The Oolah Social club has elected the following officers for the season: President, Wm. Reed; vice-president, John Mulhern; secretary, Wm. Hickey; treasurer, Ed. Hardy; floor manager, Ed. Flinton. The first social will be held Tuesday evening, October 20, at Concert Hall. The Troy City band will furnish the music this year. The Oolahs will ontroduce some novel features at their dances this season.
Lansingburgh Courier. October 1, 1891: 3 col 3.
—The Oolah club will receive returns at their rooms on election night and throw them on a screen in front of their rooms on [One Hundred] Seventeenth street.
Lansingburgh Courier. November 3, 1892: 3 col 3.
—On Saturday evening a free stereo-opticon exhibition will be given by the Oolah club in front of their rooms on Seventeenth street.
Lansingburgh Courier. November 17, 1892: 3 col 2.
—The Oolah club has leased the Noyes house at Second avenue and [One Hundred] Nineteenth street for a club house. They will fit it up in first-class shape, and will have a very cosey home.
“Local News and Seasonable Jottings.” Lansingburgh Courier. May 4, 1893: 3 col 1.
—The Oolah club took possession yesterday of the new club-house on Second avenue, at the corner of [One hundred] Nineteenth street. The house and grounds will undergo extensive improvements. The high brick wall which enclosed the grounds will be removed and an iron fence substituted. A lawn-tennis court will be laid out and the grounds beautified with beds of flowers. The rooms on the first floor will be used for parlors, a smoking and a dining-room and a culinary department. A billiard-room will be fitted on the second floor, and the other rooms on the floor will be occupied by the janitor’s family. In the third story of the building a gymnasium will be equipped. When the proposed improvements be completed the club will have an excellent home.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. May 6, 1893: 2 col 4.
—The Oolah Club cleared about $175 by the entertainment.
Troy Daily Times. May 26, 1893: 4 col 2.
Political. […]
—Private wires for the receipt of election returns have been placed in the following places: Riverside Club House, Sans Souci Club house, Oolah Club rooms, Premier Council, Royal Arcanum rooms and Diana hall, where the members of the J. L. Fake Hook and Ladder Company will assemble.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. November 2, 1896: col 1.
—The Oolah Club presented “The Confidential Clerk” at Powers opera house last night. Living pictures were interpolated.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. November 17, 1896: 4 col 2.
—James Murphy and Edward Flinton will be the contestants in the billiard tournament at the rooms of the Oolah Club to-morrpw night.
“Among the Societies.” Troy Daily Times. February 5, 1897: col 4.
—The Oolah Club wheelmen enjoyed a run yesterday to Stillwater.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. July 19, 1897: col 3.
—The Oolah Club will give a sleighride this evening. The party will meet at the rooms at 8:30 o’clock and will go to Newtonville. A banquet will be enjoyed. F. Fox, J. Chapedelaine and J. Keohe have charge of the arrangements.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. February 8, 1900: 4 col 4.
—Extensive improvements are about to be made on the house occupied by the Oolah Club. At a meeting the other night it was decided to have the interior thoroughly renovated. The walls will be newly papered, the woodwork repainted and the billiard room enlarged. There will also be added a complete set of new furniture, including a piano. These alterations will make the clubhouse much more attractive.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. March 3, 1900: 4 col 2.
—The James Moore baseball team and the Oolah Club team will play a game Sunday afternoon on Connelly’s farm.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. July 12, 1900: 4 col 3.
—Last evening at a regular meeting of the Oolah Club it was decided to hold a lawn festival in Powers Opera House September 10.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. August 17, 1900: 4 col 4.
—Last evening the members of the Oolah Club held a meeting and completed arrangements for an ice cream festival to be held in Powers Opera House Monday evening.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. September 7, 1900: 4 col 3.
—Comesky & Morier have sold for Lucinda V. S. Noyes the premises on the southwest corner of [One Hundred] Nineteenth Street and Second Avenue, formerly occupied by the Oolah Club, to Gilbert P. Williams, who will make extensive improvements to the property and occupy it as a residence.
“Upper Troy.” Troy Daily Times. June 28, 1902: col 2.

Former Oolah Club House at southwest corner of 119th Street and Second Avenue. Cropped from 1903 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map scanned by RPI.