Lansingburgh Historical Society charter
Burghers first met February 3, 1965 at the Van Schoonhoven house, 538 Third Avenue “to propose the organization of an historical society to promote interest in our past of the Village of Lansingburgh and to plan for the preservation of historical landmarks. Also to promote the general welfare of the community and to awaken civic interest. The discussion touched on such matters as the improvement of parks, the river front, and the marking in some way of historical and interesting houses” (see Minutes). The Lansingburgh Historical Society was granted a provisional charter November 19, 1965 and an absolute charter December 26, 1968.
Education Department
Provisional Charter of
Lansingburgh Historical Society
This instrument witnesseth That the Board of Regents and on behalf of the Education Department of the State of New York has granted this provisional charter,
1. Incorporating Benjamin M. Romp, Frances D. Broderick, George S. Reynolds, John A. English and Ruth M. Clarkson, and their associates and successors as an educational corporation under the corporate name of Lansingburgh Historical Society, to be located in the city of Troy, county of Rensselaer, State of New York (post office address, Lansingburgh Station, Troy, New York),
2. The purposes for which such corporation is to be formed are:
a. To promote and encourage historical research;
b. To gather and disseminate information concerning the early history of that part of the city of Troy, New York, which was formerly the village of Lansingburgh,
c. To collect and preserve information, books, manuscripts, papers and objects relating to the history of the aforesaid village of Lansingburgh and continuous territory;
d. To mark places of historic interest with suitable monuments and markers;
e. To acquire by purchase, gift, devise or otherwise the title to, or the custody, or control of historic spots and places, and
f. To serve such other purposes appropriate to an historical society as may be established by the society.
3. The persons named as incorporators shall constitute the first board of trustees. The board shall have the power to adopt by-laws, including therein provisions for fixing the method of election and the term of office of trustees, and shall have power also, by vote of two thirds of all the members of the board of trustees, to change the number of trustees, to be not more than 25 nor less than 5.
4. The corporation hereby created shall be a nonstock corporation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes, and no part of its earnings or net income shall inure to the benefit of any individual, and no officer, member, or employee of the corporation shall receive or be entitled to receive any pecuniary profit from the operations thereof, except reasonable compensation for services.
5. The principal office of the corporation is to be located in the city of Troy, county of Rensselaer, State of New York (post office address, Lansingburgh Station, Troy, New York).
6. The Commissioner of Education is designated as the representative of the corporation upon whom process in any action or proceeding against it may be served.
7. This provisional charter will be made absolute if, within 3 years, the corporation shall acquire resources and equipment available for its use and support and sufficient and suitable for its chartered purposes in the judgment of the Regents of the University and be maintaining an institution of educational usefulness and character satisfactory to them. Prior to the expiration of said 3 year period, a application for the renewal of this provisional charter or for an absolute charter will be entertained by the Regents, but, in the event that such application is not made, then at the expiration of said term of 3 years the provisional charter shall terminate and become void and shall be surrendered to the Regents.
Granted November 19, 1965 by the Board of Regents for and on behalf of the State Education Department, executed under the seal of said Department and recorded therein. Number 9018.
[signed Edgar W. Couper] Chancellor
[signed James Allen Jr] President of the University and Commissioner of Education
Education Department
Absolute Charter
Lansingburgh Historical Society
This instrument witnesseth That the Board of Regents and on behalf of the Education Department of the State of New York has granted his absolute charter to Lansingburgh Historical Society, located in the city of Troy, county of Rensselaer, State of New York,—which was granted by the Board of Regents under a provisional charter on November 19, 1965,—and has continued the said corporation with all its powers, privileges, and duties.
Granted December 26, 1968, by the Board of of Regents for and on behalf of the State Education Department, executed under the seal of said Department and recorded therein. Number 9840
[signed Joseph W. McGovern] Chancellor
[signed James Allen Jr] President of the University and Commissioner of Education

SOCIETY CHARTER—Members of the Lansingburgh Historical Society look over the unit’s new charter presented at a meeting at the Boradaile. Left to right are Mrs. Francis D. Broderick, historian; John A. English, treasurer; George S. Reynolds, secretary, and Benjamin M. Romp, president. Times Record. June 16, 1966: 12 cols 2-4.
“Statement on the Governance Role of a Trustee or Board Member.”