Daniel Cady was a publisher and temperance activist who lived in the Village of Lansingburgh from at least 1860 to 1870.

THE “Golden Wreath” is the name of a new temperance paper just started in Lansingburgh by Daniel Cady. The Wreath says of our Troy divisions:
The friends of Temperance in Troy can boast of having two of the best Divisions of the Sons of Temperance in the State of New York. So say some of the officers of the Grand Division.
Judging from the following from the new paper, we should say its temperance predilections won’t hurt it:
We are frequently asked if we are in favor of what is called the Maine Liquor Law. We answer, once for all: We are not. The law of this State, faithfully enforced, will do very well.
Troy Daily Whig. November 8, 1865: 3 col 3.

GOLDEN WREATH.—The sixth, or April number of the Golden Wreath was issued last week by Daniel Cady, Esq. It is filled with interesting and original reading matter. By his kind permission we have frequently drawn on his columns for extracts inserted in the CHRONICLE. His paper is an established success.
Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle. April 17, 1866: 3 col 1.

LANSINGBURGH.—Mr. Daniel Cady has purchased Mr. Crampton’s interest in the Lansingburgh Chronicle establishment, formerly used by Crampton & File, and has assumed the editorial control of the paper. Mr. Cady has had many years experience in the publishing business, and we have no doubt that under his auspices, the Chronicle will continue to prosper. We certainly wish him ample success.
Troy Daily Whig. November 10, 1866: 3 col 3.

COHOES.—Daniel Cady, of Lansingburgh, is about to commence the publication of a temperance paper in Cohoes, to be called “The Family Guide.”
“Local Affairs.” Troy Daily Whig. December 30, 1867: 4 col 1.