Burleigh 1891 Bird’s-Eye Views of Lansingburgh
We are pleased to note the fact that the people of this village will soon have an opportunity of securing handsomely executed lithographic views of the village providing the publisher gets sufficient encouragement to go ahead with the work. Mr. L.R. Burleigh, of the Burleigh lithographic establishment, of Troy, has just completed a sketch of Lansingburgh, and a careful examination of the work shows it to be accurate in every particular with every building showing out prominently, together with the river, etc.
Mr. Burleigh is personally known to many of our readers, as he is a resident of the first ward. This fact adds increased interest to the work, as it will be really encouraging a home enterprise to subscribe for the work. Owing to the length of the village the work has been divided in three parts, and anyone not wanting the whole three parts can take any single one. The prices will be, $2.50 for single section, $4.00 for two sections or $5.00 for the three sections. A. B. C. Defendorf is canvassing for subscribers to the work and it is to be hoped that he will meet with hearty encouragement.
A Catskill paper in alluding to a view of that place recently made by the Burleigh company says: “The wonderful accuracy of detail shown in the drawing has been faithfully preserved, and each building is correctly drawn. Nothing better than this thoroughly accurate topographical view of the village could be used for giving strangers a correct idea of the size of the place and its admirable situation for business or pleasure. Mr. Burleigh has fulfilled his promise to the letter and deserves great credit for the conscientious manner in which the work was done.”
Lansingburgh Courier. May 28, 1891: 3 col 4.
—The gentleman who is canvassing the village for the lithographic view that is to be made by the Burleigh Co. announces that he is meeting with fair success. It will certainly be a handsome work and an ornament to any house. Every building in the Burgh is accurately shown, and every person who owns a piece of property here should subscribe for the work without hesitation. There will be no chance to buy copies of the work after it is done, as it will be delivered to subscribers only. Give your order when the agent calls and you will have no cause for regret.
“Local News and Seasonable Jottings.” Lansingburgh Courier. June 4, 1891: 3 col 1.
—Mr. Defendorf, who is canvassing the village for the lithograph that the Burleigh Lithographic Establishment is making, is not meeting with the encouragement that the value of the work deserves. We trust our public spirited citizens will endorse the project by placing their orders for copies of the work at once, as unless a sufficient number are ordered the firm cannot take the risk of publishing them. It would be a shame to force the company to abandon the project for lack of support, as the lithograph will be of great historical value. What more appropriate gift could be secured to present to some friend, who formerly resided here,than a copy of this work? It would be a present that would be appreciated every day in the year.
“Local News and Seasonable Jottings.” Lansingburgh Courier. July 2, 1891: 3 col 3.
Rittner, Don. “Burleigh and His Lithographs.” 1999. http://www.donrittner.com/his26.html