Mrs. Clarence L. Derrick entertained at a dessert bridge today for the benefit of the Speigletown Library and Garden Club.
“Melrose.” Times Record. May 19, 1939: 15 col 3.

The Speigletown Library and Garden Club will hold a special meeting in School Number Six, Tuesday at 2 p.m., when the committee will complete plans for the Flower Show next Saturday.
“Speigletown.” Times Record. August 19, 1939: 14 col 2.

The Speigletown Library is receiving the Congressional Record through the cooperation of E. Harold Cluett, representative for the 29th District. This Journal includes verbatim debate on proposed federal measures offered by members of Congress. The library in this village is entirely free.
“Speigletown.” Times Record. January 9, 1940: 13 col 4.


Flower Shows Cooperation of Group With County Red Cross Chapter Subjects of Brief Talks.

A Christmas tree, gladioli, snapdragons, potted poinsettas and cyclamens formed the decoration scheme when the Speigletown Library and Garden Club celebrated the second Yuletide party at Oak Knoll, the home of Mrs. Edward C. Quinlivan, yesterday.
The entertainment directed by Mrs. B. Frank Kepner, jr., and Miss Pauline C. Rose included accordion solos by Fred W. Rehorn, jr., and choral singing with Mrs. Irving Randall as pianist, and Christmas games. Complete cooperation of the members of the members of a club to successfully stage flower shows was the subject of short talks by Mrs. Warren E. Huntley and Mrs. Charles E. Smart.
Mrs. Mary J. Reid, executive secretary of Rensselaer County chapter, American Red Cross, spoke on the association of her organization with the Speigletown community. Miss Hattie B. Robinson, dispersing officer of the club, read a detailed report covering the community work contribution to the Red Cross during the year.
The annual report of the president covered this year’s activities.
Mrs. La Bessa E. Engle of Philadelphia, spending the Christmas holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Pierce H. Russell, jr., and Mrs. Lottie LaCourse of Muskegon, Mich., who is visiting her niece, Mrs. George J. Yearsley, were guests. Mrs. Allison J. Whitegiver assisted by Miss Dorothy M. Magee, Mrs. Walter J. Sanderson and Mrs. Frank P. Langan served refreshments.
Other members and guests present included Mrs. C. Frank Reilley, Mrs. Irving Haynes, Mrs. Edward Burns, Mrs. Percy J. Towne, Mrs. Alice Wehmyer, Mrs. Charles Barnes, Mrs. Edward Ralston, Mrs. Fred W. Rehorn, Miss Nellie M. Fogarty, Mrs. George J. Yearsley, Mrs. John D. Fogarty, Miss Patricia Langan and Mrs. Pierce H. Russell, jr.
Mrs. Rehorn will be hostess to the group at the next meeting.
Times Record. December 28, 1940: 3 col 1.