Powers Oil Cloth Manufactory
D. Powers & Sons tender thanks to the Fire Department of Lansingburgh, and the firemen of Troy and Waterford, for their services rendered and the good will manifested, at the burning of their manufactory, on John street, last night.—Lansingburgh, June 3, 1863.
Troy Daily Times. June 3, 1863: 2 col 4.
☞ LANSINGBURGH.—[…]—The work on Powers’ new factory is going on finely. Two or three large buildings will be erected, which, when completed, will afford increased facilities for getting out cloth. The foundation was laid by Mr. Traphagen, and is said to be a fine one. The Powers Brothers may well be claimed among the most enterprising men of the village.
Troy Daily Times. August 8, 1863: 3 col 1.
☞ LANSINGBURGH.—About 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon the varnish shop attached to D. Powers & Sons’ oil cloth factory, was discovered to be on fire. An alarm was quickly sounded, and the steam fire engines were soon on the ground, and ere long succeeded in extinguishing the fire. The damage is small.
Troy Daily Times. February 18, 1870: 3 col 1.
We publish below the valuation of manufactures of Troy and Lansingburgh during the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1869, (in excess of $1,250.00, which amount is exempt from tax,) as returned at the Assessor’s office: […]
D Powers & Son 19,958
Troy Daily Times. February 18, 1870: 3 col 2.
NEW FACTORY.—D. Powers & Sons have commenced the erection of another handsome factory of the same style as the last two erected on Congress street. It will occupy the ground now covered by the shed between State and Congress streets and will be 80 by 40 feet and two stories high.
Troy Daily Whig. October 8, 1872: 8 col 3.
The foundation walls for D. Powers & Son’s new factory are laid and the brick work will be hurried with all possible haste. It is expected that the roof can be got on before severe weather overtaken the mechanics who have the job in hand.
Troy Daily Whig. November 5, 1872: 3 col 3.
—D. Powers & Sons have presented a beautiful oil cloth to Trinity Church of this place, with which to cover the hall and vestibule.
Troy Daily Whig. June 9, 1873: 4 col 3.
How the Dull Times Directly Affect Business of all Kinds in this Vicinity—The Prospect in Troy, Green Island, Waterford, Lansingburgh and Cohoes.
Powers’ oil cloth factory, employing eighty-two hands, is still running on full time; trade is dull and payments are slow. The monthly pay roll of this concern is about $3,000.
Troy Daily Times. November 1, 1873: 2 col 4.