Books for Use at Children’s Playgrounds
Through the courtesy of Miss Davis of the Troy Public Library, Miss Holbrook has arranged to have thirty-nine books from the children’s department for use at the playground. When these have been read others will be exchanged for them, thus giving the youngsters of Lansingburgh an opportunity to use, to a small extent at least, the public books of the city. This experiment should be most beneficial, and the ultimate result should be the establishing of a branch of the library where at least the most popular works of fiction and a number of children’s books could be constantly had. As it is at present the people of Lansingburgh have little use of the library. Its distance discourages constant use, and for the children it is valueless. The present comfort station recently erected is undoubtedly a big improvement to the playground, but it could be more valuable if enlarged to include space for a library and reading room. In the late fall and early winter, when the weather is too disagreeable for outside amusements, the good work now being done at the playground could be continued in the interior. The Community Girls continue to practice baseball on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and games with the Prospect Park and Grace Court teams are being arranged.
Troy Times. July 29, 1914: 3 col 1.


The Advantage of the Playground
A daily representation of from three hundred to five hundred children attests the value of the work done by the playground of Lansingburgh and its general worth to the community in giving the children good sports and teaching them how to properly appreciate them. The [One Hundred] Twelfth Street playground has grown steadily in favor since it was started a few years ago, and it now seems to be almost indispensable to the Lansingburgh children, and some of the older ones, too. […]
Another improvement which would mean a great deal to the children of Lansingburgh is the establishment of some kind of a juvenile library. There are at present no loan libraries in Lansingburgh, and it is quite a trip to the Troy Public Library. Consequently the playground is planning very shortly to establish some kind of a loan library for the children. Mrs. William Cook is taking charge of the matter, and any donations of children’s books would be very gratefully received by the playground Trustees. At present, as there are no books to lend, Mrs. Cook reads to the children every Thursday afternoon. […]
Troy Times. August 12, 1914: 9 col 2.

Playground Libraries.

Miss Mary L. Davis, Librarian, will extend the Troy Public Library to each playground this year. A case of books will be in use for the children.
“Playground Opening.” Troy Times. June 28, 1918: 5 col 5.


A Convenience for Those Who Patronize Public Gathering Place on Twelfth Street—Material for Sewing Class Donated.

The library in connection with the [One Hundred] Twelfth Street playground has been opened. Books will be loaned to all children of the ground. This is the first of the playgrounds of the city to have their library open for the season. Material for the sewing classes at the playgrounds has been donated by The United Shirt and Collar Company.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Times. July 17, 1919: 20 col 4.


Activities at City’s Recreation Centres to Be Started To-morrow.

The several recreation centres of Troy will open to-morrow. […]
A case of books from the Public Library will be placed at each park and will be opened to the boys and girls twice weekly.
Troy Times. June 30, 1921: 8 col 7.

Director of Playgrounds.

At a meeting of the Troy Recreation Commission yesterday afternoon Miss Helen Charlotte Walker was appointed Director at the 101st Street playground at a salary of $100 a month. Miss Mary McDonald was appointed a sewing teacher at $80 a month. The resignation of Miss K. Irene McArevey as Pageant Director was accepted. The vacancy will be filled later. Announcement was made by the Superintendent of Playgrounds, that through the courtesy of the Troy Public Library substations will be opened in the various playgrounds, from which children may draw books to read. A letter was received from R. P. Neitzel, President of the Frear Park Community Association, promising the cooperation of the association in the work of the commission.
Troy Times. July 9, 1924: 7 col 3.