Arthur Cadets
—The Republicans, we are happy to state, are organizing a Garfield and Arthur club in this village, we bid them God speed and our earnest support.
“Splinters.” Lansingburgh Gazette. July 17, 1880: 3 col 1.
The executive committee of the Garfield and Arthur club met at the headquarters Wednesday evening. The sub-committee reported the bids for uniforms and equipment as presented by the competing manufacturers, and Samuel Tappan, of Troy, being the lowest bidder was awarded the contract. The uniform is to be a double-breasted sackcoat of black enamel cloth, laced with buff, with collar and cuffs of buff, and trimmed with military buttons. A naval cap of the same material and a two burner torch will complete the outfit.
The uniform decided upon by the young men’s Republican club is a coat of black enamel cloth bound with white and black cape over which is a white collar with the club monogram on it. The head gear will be a metal helmet, and the gem torch will be carried. The uniform of the officers and staff will be the same as that of the private, with the exception of a white cape and a black collar with white monogram. The officers will also wear chapeaus. The uniforms will be completed to-day, and it is probable the club will have a street parade on Monday evening.
Lansingburgh Republicans are uniformed armed and equipped to lead as the banner town of the Empire State for Garfield and Arthur.
My country ’tis of three [sic?] I sing,
Sweet land of liberty.
The shouts of freemen ring,
For Garfield and victory.
Lansingburgh Gazette. September 11, 1880: 3 col 1.
LANSINGBURGH.—The young men’s Republican club will participate in the parade at Saratoga to-night. The members will take the 5:15 P. M. train from Waterford.—A banner will be presented to the Garfield and Arthur cadets by the young ladies of the ‘burgh at Concert hall at 7 o’clock to-night.
Troy Daily Times. October 28, 1880: 3 col 2.
The Brothers’ cadets of Troy, assisted by a corps of young ladies will give an exhibition and fan drill at Concert hall, Monday evening July 9th. The entertainment will be novel and instructive and should draw a full house. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Arthur Cadets of this village.
“Amusements.” Lansingburgh Courier. June 30, 1883: 2 col 2.
—The Arthur cadets in their neat and tasteful new uniforms present a handsome appearance.
“Village Notes.” Lansingburgh Courier. October 13, 1883: 3 col 1.
—The Arthur cadets, headed by Halligan’s drum corps, made a street parade to-day in their new uniforms.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. October 19, 1883: 2 col 5.
The Arthur cadets made a street parade Thursday afternoon. The juveniles were highly complimented all along the line for their correct movements and fine military bearing. After their parade the cadets were sumptuously entertained by Fred Catlin one of the members of the organization.
At an early day the cadets propose to give an entertainment for the purchase of new muskets with bayonets. The perseverance of the youths in acquiring military instruction entitles them to generous patronage on the occasion of their benefit and it will doubtless be accorded them.
Lansingburgh Courier. November 10, 1883: 3 col 5.
—The competitive drill between the Arthur cadets and an Albany organization that was to have taken place at the Brothers’ fair in Troy, Thursday night, did not come off owing to the Albanians failing to put in an appearance. Our boys were handsomely entertained by the Brothers. […]
—The Arthur cadets have petitioned the trustees to allow them the use of Firemen’s hall for a drill room one night in each week. Complaint having been made that they disturbed the employees of the fire department after the latter had retired for the night action on the petition was deferred until the next regular meeting of the board.
“Village Notes.” Lansingburgh Courier. December 22, 1883: 3 col 2.
The Arthur cadets observed Washington’s birthday anniversary by a banquet and ball at Concert hall. The Brothers cadets of Troy were guests. The Arthurs met the visiting organization at Lansing street and escorted them to the hall. The fine martial bearing of both elicited much praise. The entertainment was a joyous affair.
Lansingburgh Courier. February 23, 1884: 3 col 5.
—The competitive drill of the Arthur cadets, for prizes of gold and silver badges, will occur at the Casino Monday night. The judges will be selected from the Troy Citizens’ corps. The cadets are a well-drilled organization.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. February 21, 1885: 2 col 3.
—The Arthur cadets, recently disbanded, will shortly be reorganized, under the management of a veteran, C. F. Roemer.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. September 30, 1885: 3 col 3.