THE MILITARY.—Monday last was the day for the annual company parades throughout this State. In this village the new Artillery company, commanded by Captain Cramp, made their first parade, and attracted much attention by the correctness and precision of their various evolutions. We understand that the trustees of the village, with commendable liberality have furnished them with an armory. We hope to see their numbers doubled at their next parade.
Lansingburgh Democrat. September 6, 1845: 2 col 2.

☞ What has become of the Lansingburgh Artillery? In these piping times of war, what has become of their patriotism? While the lightning has been called into requisition to spread the tidings of victory to our arms, cannot the event be celebrated by the burning of a little powder? Captain, do call out the bo-hoys! Hurrah for the halls of the Montezumas!
Lansingburgh Democrat. May 23, 1846: 2 col 2.

☞ Mr. ALFRED SEAMAN has been appointed to enroll the Military Company for this district under the new militia law. This district takes in all Lansingburgh, and the southern election district of the town of Schaghticoke. Enough material, we should think, for at least one company.
Lansingburgh Democrat. March 16, 1848: 2 col 2.

WHENCE THE SPIKING OF THAT ARTILLERY?—We have not heard a single report from that down town gun, since the nomination of General Taylor was made known. We fear its silence forbodes no good! We ask again, when the spiking of that artillery?
Lansingburgh Democrat. June 15, 1848: 2 col 2.

Liberality of our Trustees.

The members of our military company have lately made application to our Trustees for a room sufficiently commodious for their drilling purposes, and to be used as their armory. We are glad to hear that the Trustees have appropriated the spacious room underneath the Olympic Saloon to their service for that purpose.
Lansingburgh Democrat. September 13, 1848: 2 col 3.

Lansingburgh Armory.

The armor for the use of our military company, consisting of cannons, muskets, swords, and the whole accoutrement connected with the dreadful we’pons, arrived yesterday from Troy. They may be seen at the Lansingburgh Armory, Olympic buildings.
Lansingburgh Democrat. September 28, 1848: 2 col 2.


The new regiment under command of Col. Allen, had their general parade and review at the house of Henry A. Clum, in Brunswick, on Monday last. The Lansingburgh Artillery made their first parade on this occasion. Our band furnished the music. The regiment was reviewed by Major General John E. Wool, U. S.A.
Lansingburgh Democrat. October 5, 1848: 2 col 3.

The Drill Room.

We lately made a visit to the Drill Room of our military company. While there, Capt. Seaman, and orderly serj. Alexander alternately took command of the company in their drilling exercises—The perfect knowledge of military tactics exhibited on this occasion did great credit to each of them, and the promptness and regularly with which the “bold seger boys” obeyed their commands, deserved an equal share of praise. The boys have progressed in their peculiar facings, marchings, wheelabouts, &c., to the satisfaction of their commanders, and to a far greater degree of perfection than we expected. Their room is spacious, and excellently adapted to the purposes for which it is now used. The armory is properly supplied with its needful “fixins,” and is fitted up in first rate order. Long life to the Lansingburgh Artillery company.
Lansingburgh Democrat. October 19, 1848: 2 col 3.

The “Lansingburgh Artillery” Company, under command of Capt. Seaman, passed the Democrat office on Saturday last. They were out for drill, and made a splendid appearance. Their new uniform attracted universal attention, and reflected great credit upon the gentlemen who got them up. They have decidedly the prettiest uniform in the county, and with the prospect of receiving pay for the time devoted to their parades, we see no reason why we may not consider this a permanently established company. Their armory is under the Olympic Saloon, and is splendidly fitted up as a Drill room, with racks, cases &c., for all their accoutrements. This company certainly is an honor to the village, and our citizens cannot do less than to encourage them in every possible manner.
Lansingburgh Democrat. November 9, 1848: 2 col 4.

That Military Ball.

Is the first year of the establishment of our fine Military Company to be celebrated by its members with a Ball, or is it not? We certainly think it ought to be, and move that some action be immediately taken in the matter. It would give encouragement to those already belonging to it, and would in all probability be a means of inducing others to join. Let the matter be taken hold of by Capt. Seaman and his worthy Staff, and there will be no such thing as a failure.
Lansingburgh Democrat. December 21, 1848: 2 col 4.

A. Seaman, Captain; H. A. Mercer, 1st Lieut.; W. L. Wheeler, 2d do.; B. O. Felton, 3d do.
Drill Room under the Olympic, on Richard st.

“Societies.” Lansingburgh Democrat.. January 4, 1849: 2 col 3.

Washington’s Birth Day.

☞ To-morrow being the anniversary of the Birth of Washington, the Lansingburgh Artillery propose to celebrate it by giving a grand Military Ball in the Evening. The most extensive preparations have been made to render it a magnificent affair. The armory of the Company, the most extensive room in town, suited to such a purpose, has been tastefully decorated for the occasion, and the arrangements are ample and complete for the comfort and enjoyment of all who may attend. Tickets can be procured of any member of the Committee, or of Mr. Thomas A. Cory, at the Andraeum Place.
Lansingburgh Democrat.. February 21, 1850: 2 col 3.


At an election held yesterday for officers of the Lansingburgh Artillery, the following gentlemen were elected.
1st. Lieutenant—EDGAR HINMAN.
2nd do —CHARLES A. CORY.
Lansingburgh Democrat.. April 25, 1850: 2 col 3.

☞ Capt FELTON’S Lansingburgh Artillery Company made a spirited appearance at the General Parade in Troy on Tuesday. They were assigned a post of honor in the line, and received several marks of approbation from distinguished officers in attendance. They are a credit to the ‘burgh.
Lansingburgh Democrat.. October 2, 1851: 2 col 4.

☞ The Lansingburgh Artillery, Captain Felten, will make their first parade of the season, next week.
Lansingburgh Democrat. May 20, 1852: 2 col 2.

THE Lansingburgh Artillery have accepted the invitation to join in the reception of [Lajos] Kosuth.—Come one, come all!
Troy Daily Times. May 29, 1852: 2 col 4.

☞ What has become of the Lansingburgh Artillery? Echo answers, “what.” We are anxious to announce the first parade of the season.
Lansingburgh Democrat. September 14, 1854: 2 col 2.