Trouillogan Columbus Camping Club
—The Trouillogan camping club is the name of a new organization with the following officers: Dr. John Magee, president; Jas. Brooker, vice-president; Wm. Cramer, treasurer; Wm. Starbuck, secretary; Jules Saehrig and Charles Weaver, trustees. The club has purchased land on the shore of Saratoga Lake, south of Snake hill, and Bergman Bros., have the contract for a two-story frame building on the lot. The membership of the club is limited to thirty-five and it already has twenty-six names enrolled. The first camping party will go up on the 18th inst.
“Local News and Seasonable Jottings.” Lansingburgh Courier. June 8, 1893: 3 col 1.
The Trouillogan Columbus Camping Club had the annual meeting and election last evening. Refreshments were served. The officers are: President, Fred. Clayton; vice president, George Bolton; secretary, Joseph Bolton, jr.; treasurer, Frederick hawkins. The committee to make arrangements for the annual opening of the camp will consist of Henry Van Antwerp, George Bolton and Fred. Clayton. This event will occur July 22, 23 and 24.
Troy Daily Times. June 10, 1896: 4 cols 2-3.
—At a meeting held last night by the Trouillogan-Columbus Camping Club it was decided to purchase more furniture for the clubhouse at Saratoga Lake, and also to acquire a steam yacht for club use. The next meeting will be held June 5, when officers for the ensuing year are to be elected.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. May 2, 1899: 4 col 2.

Club House, Columbus Camping Club, Saratoga Lake
Troy Times. June 9, 1906.Art Section. (Cropped from scan by