Vail’s Lot
Vail’s Lot was in the Fourth Ward (101st to 109th Street) of the Village of Lansingburgh. Reportedly it was between 104th and 105th Streets, what had once been named Thomas and Vail Streets. Some descriptions which place it next to the Rensselaer County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds or near the boundary between Lansingburgh and Troy would seem to put it south of 101st Street, however.
☞ TRIAL OF MOWING MACHINES.—The advertised trial of Mowing Machines, took place on the farm of Geo. VAIL yesterday. There were three machines entered, viz: one of Manny’s, built by L. C. BALL; one of the same patentee, by Mr. WOOD, and one of Mr. HUBBARD’S, (the Ida Hill machine.) An acre of ground was assigned to each machine.
Mr. Wood cut his acre in 29m; Mr. Ball in 33; both doing their work in a satisfactory manner.
The HUBBARD MACHINE was next put on trial. Though possessing some advantages over Mr. Ball’s machine it failed in several respects. There is room for improvement in this machine. As the trial resulted it is but fair and honest to say Manny’s, built by L. C. BALL, took the lead. Hubbard’s machine is far from being without merit, and is susceptible of improvements which will render it very valuable.
Troy Daily Whig. June 17, 1857: 3 col 3.
☞ TRIAL OF MOWING MACHINES.—There is to be a trial of Mowing Machines on the grounds of Mr. Vail, adjoining the fair grounds on the Lansingburgh road, to-morrow (Wednesday) at 2 o’clock P. M. The Hubbard, the McNamara, the Buckeye and the Empire, are entered for trial. The people are invited to attend. This is a good opportunity to see the working of some of the best machines in use, and at the same time to see what the Agricultural and Manufacturers’ Society are doing.
Troy Daily Times. June 26, 1860: 3 col 4.
☞ BASE BALL MATCHES—AN EXCITING GAME.—The principal attraction on the afternoon of the Fourth, was the base ball match, which took place on Vail’s lot, near the boundary line between Troy and Lansingburgh, between the Union club, of Lansingburgh, and the Hudson River club, of Newburgh—said to be a “crack club” down the river. The game opened at three o’clock, and was not concluded until six o’clock, and was not concluded until six o’clock. They playing was very fine on both sides, and, for the first time the present season, the Unions found themselves in close quarters. They triumphed, however after a desperate contest, by six innings. From four to five thousand people witnessed the match.
Troy Daily Whig. July 6, 1867: 4 col 5.
—The Vail lot in the fourth ward is being put in order, graded and rolled for a base ball ground. It has been leased for a term of years.
“Lansingburgh—Odds and Ends.” Troy Daily Times. November 15, 1877: 3 col 3.
Vail’s lot, a field located between the present 104th and 105th Streets on Second Avenue.
Broderick, Warren F. “Haymakers’ Bats Brought Fame.” Troy Record. August 23, 1969: 30.