Doctor Ah King (abt 1844-1883)
Doctor Ah King seems to have been the first of a few Chinese people to have settled in the Village of Lansingburgh in the 19th century. Some other Chinese people arrived in the 1880s, evidently relocating from other parts of the state and perhaps finding the environment in Lansingburgh less prejudicial (while still not entirely free of it). The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (signed by the former Burgher, United States President Chester A. Arthur) would have meant those residents of Lansingburgh would not have newly arrived from China.
He was prosecuted and imprisoned for bigamy in 1875. That whole affair resulted in numerous articles with overtly racist elements, at times borrowing a name (“Ah Sin”) or lines from or playing off of the 1870 poem “Plain Language from Truthful James” AKA “The Heathen Chinee” by Bret Harte, a poem that employed stereotypes in order to criticize them – an irony lost on most of its readers. (See e.g. Tarnoff, Ben “#CancelColbert, Meet ‘the Heathen Chinee’ Stephen Colbert, viral racism and 150 years of not getting the joke.” Politico. April 8, 2014. ).
Upon Dr. Ah King’s release in 1877 he returned to Lansingburgh and continued medical practice until his health declined in early 1883, followed by his death in April of that year.
Will remain at the City Hotel only this week, and all who wish to consult him must call soon. Never fails in curing the most severe cases of Catarrh and general diseases.
Hartford Daily Courant [CT]. April 6, 1872: 2.
Chinese Physician Dr. Ah King.
Utica Daily Observer [NY]. September 12, 1872: 2 col 7.
Office [169] Genesee street.
Utica Daily Observer. September 12, 1872: 3 col 6.
—Dr. Ah King, from China, improved the happy new year by marrying Miss Clara A. Madison, of Utica.
“Brevities.” Rome Sentinel. January 7, 1873: col 3.
MY WIFE, CLARA A. KING, has left without just cause or provocation; therefore, I forbid any one harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no bills of her contracting after this data. DR. AH KING.
In answer to this advertisement:—The reason of my leaving Dr. Ah King is because he could not support me. Two weeks after w were married he began to complain of having to pay so much for board, and asked me if I would not find some place to board for eight dollars a week. I asked my father if he would not let us come home to board, and we boarded home for seven dollars. Then he thought we could keep house cheaper. So we went to housekeeping, which cost us five dollars the first week and three dollars and twenty-one cents the second. After that he would hardly bring enough into the house to eat. If there was only a little he would take that himself and say to me, “You do not want any!” He would take things out of my hands that I was using and say that was enough; that costs money. He never furnished fire or furniture, and he was in debt for everything—even the clothes he wore. I never go in debt for anything, and I always advised him not to get anything on trust. For my advice he swore at me, which is one of his habits.
je31d1t1 CLARA A. KING.
Utica Daily Observer. June 21, 1873: 5 col 3.
WE have heard of “Ah Sin,” the Chinese boy with the smile that was “childlike and bland,” but here is a Chinese Doctor advertising in a Utica paper, with the queer name of “Ah King,” and he warbles a sweet tale about his medicines. Dr. Ah King remarks with a child-like, Chinese simplicity that he is “very successful in his practice,” and he thinks that “many of the Doctor’s earnest friends at Utica will be much pleased to be assisted by his remedies.” Now that is so modest and moderate, that we cannot help believing that Dr. Ah King is a real, genuine relative of the kind and gentle Ah Sin himself. The world is full of people who would, we are confident, “be pleased to be assisted” by some good remedies, and the presumption is that good Dr. Ah King would be pleased to have them pleased. Ah, yes, Ah King. You’re right.
The Saratogian. June 26, 1873: 1 col 5.
TO THE PEOPLE OF UTICA.—The undersigned has for one year and three months practiced the
and with great success. He can support the claims to the confidence of the public by numerous and unimpeachable testimonials, both as to his ability and the result of his treatment. He feels sure that the generous confidence extended to him in the past will not be withdrawn while he continues to merit it. And he will spare neither time nor effort in the practice of his profession. The Doctor holds a Diploma from his own
Respectfully, Dr. AH KING.
Utica Morning Herald and Daily Gazette. July 22, 1873: 2 col 8.
Donations.—[…] Dr. Ah King, $1
Utica Morning Herald and Daily Gazette. November 1, 1873: 3 col 3.
—We are to have an addition to the fraternity of medicine in the person of native of China; Ah King is his name. Mr. King has every appearance of a gentlemanly American and an adept in medical science. He comes from Utica and opens an office opposite the Phoenix.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. April 18, 1874: col 4.
Dr. Ah King,
LATE of Utica and a resident of the United States for the past seven years, has opened an office at 595 State st., Lansingburgh, for practice as a Botanical Physician and Surgeon, where he may be consulted by all persons suffering from any disease whatever. Particular attention given to diseases of Females and Children.
Troy Daily Times. April 24, 1874: 4 col 4.
—Dr. Ah King will set off Chinese pyrotechnics this evening in commemoration of our national independence.
“Jottings About Town.” Lansingburgh Gazette. July 4, 1874: 3 col 2.
—Dr. Ah King is doing a thriving business, notwithstanding the cry of full times.
“Jottings Here and There.” Lansingburgh Gazette. July 25, 1874: 3 col 2.
—One of the Burghs “future presidents,” that is if there is to be no third term, was seen on Ann street the other day with a hat full of green apples. He was followed by Dr. Ah King and the rest of our medical fraternity who were expecting plenty of business undoubling him.
“Jottings Here and There.” Lansingburgh Gazette. August 22, 1874: 3 col 2.
Organs are getting to be quite fashionable in this village. Dr. Ah King is now the happy possessor of one of the finest instruments of this kind we have seen for some time. No comment upon it is necessary, as the name of the manufacturers, Peloubet, Pelton & Co., will be a sufficient guarantee as to its many good qualities. Mr. J. E. Haner is the agent for this instrument in Lansingburgh.
Lansingburgh Gazette. October 17, 1874: 3 col 3.
SUPREME COURT—County of Rensselaer.—Ah King against Clara A. King.—Summons for relief. To the above named defendant. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the [?] in this action, which has been filed with the clerk of the county of Rensselaer, and to serve a copy of your answer on us at our office, No. 2 Mutual Building, Troy, N. Y., within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint.
Dated July 16, 1874, KING & RHODES,
oct19d1awaw1 Plaintiff’s Attorney, Troy, N. Y.
Utica Morning Herald and Daily Gazette. October 26, 1874: 4 col 8.

“Dr. Ah King Botanical Physician.” Lansingburgh Gazette. December 26, 1874: 1 cols 2-5. (Cropped and edited from scan by NYS Historic Newspapers)
Dr. Ah King, F. R. A., says his sleighride is going to be the event of the season. It occurs next week and starts from the Phoenix Hotel. Doring’s Band has been engaged and supper for one hundred couple ordered. We would like to report Ah King’s bill of fare but dare not. […]
Three ladies from Troy went driving past Lavender’s corner, Tuesday afternoon, when their equipage was upset by a wheel catching in the car track. They were deposited uninjured in a pike in the center of the street. The horse was caught before going far by Dr. Ah King, who received the thanks of the fair ones.
“Local Topics.” Lansingburgh Gazette. January 23, 1875: 3 col 1.
The following from the Troy Whig will be read with interest by many of the Doctor’s acquaintances in Utica:
The event of the week, to those invited to participate, will be the grandest Celestial mammoth sleigh ride and hop, given by our celebrated Chinese physician, Dr. Ah King, who never does anything by halves, and has already extended invitations to nearly 100 friends to join his sleigh party on Thursday evening of this week, when the sleighs, with full band and orchestra, will start from the Phoenix Hotel at 8 P. M., in a northerly direction to Schaghticoke, thence across the river and proceed to Schaghticoke, thence across the river and proceed to Stillwater, where the hop will occur, followed by a delicious game spread, after which the party will return home via Waterford. His friends, and more particularly the young ladies, will regret to learn that Dr. Ah King has decided to take up his residence in Waterbury, Ct., next spring.
Utica Daily Observer. January 26, 1875: 3 col 2.
Dr. Ah King’s sleighing party has been the talk of the town ever since the GAZETTE announced that it would take place. Wednesday evening at half-past seven was the time appointed for starting and the Phoenix Hotel was made the point of departure. About seven the spectators began to arrive. In the street these consisted principally of boys and dogs. Every window pane in the vicinity of the Phoenix was, however, spotted with flattened noses,zand eyes were twisted in all directions in the effort to catch a glimpse of the sleigh riders. The band did not come, because the big drum had the croup, and the E flat cornet had a muscle put on his lip the night before by a duffer from West Troy. The snare drum was on hand, but he had lost his drumsticks, and had to borrow a pair of ivory chopsticks from Dr. Ah King, which had been presented to the Doctor by the faculty of Bombay College, Pekin, China, on the occasion of his translating Bret Harte’s poems into the Chinese vernacular. These answered remarkably well, only that the fellow kept getting dinner call mixed up with his drumming, and could not account for the medley. The boys and dogs got so numerous on the sidewalks that the Doctor sent one sleigh off to Congress street to get filled, and soon after started with the other amid the yells of boys and the yelpings of dogs, the roll of the drum, and the waving of handkerchiefs from the windows of the Phoenix and the houses in the vicinity. The other sleigh, crowded tall, joined company pretty soon, and away we went over the ice to Waterford, as merry a party as ever crossed the Hudson. Our destination was a farm house in the hills, about six miles from Lansingburgh. The night was cold, but clear, the stars twingled as merrily in the heavens as the bright-eyes of the ladies did in the sleighs, the sleighing was excellent, and we sped along, singing and laughing in a rollicking way that showed how fully the party enjoyed the fun. After a while the cold wind among the hills caused us all to cuddle down in the bottom of the sleighs. This was sport for all but one individual, whose feet were so large he had to hang them over the side of the sleigh to make room. The house we were going to was on the top of a high hill. We had an artist on board, a tonsorial artist, and as we were going up this hill he jumped out to show his agility. He thought he was going to alight on a solid place, but he went up to his neck in a snow drift. “Boys,” he roared, “pull me out, andI will never rub sour cider on your heads again for hair tonic.” They pulled him out.
We arrived at the farm house at last, where a hospitable fire soon took the blue out of the ladies’ noses. The red in the gentlemen’s noses was of a permanent hue, one of the ladies said, and could not be removed. After the artist had “fixed us up” a little we all went in for fun and kept it up until five o’clock in the morning, when we started for home. About twelve we had supper. The bill of fare was first-class and there was nothing China about it except the coffee cups. The Doctor was the life of the party. He never allowed the sport to flag. He acted as if he believed that fun was better than physic, and so it is. We got back to Lansingburgh about six o’clock Thurday morning, somewhat sleepy, but otherwise none the worse for our “celestial sleigh-ride,” which was thoroughly enjoyed by the entire party.
Lansingburgh Gazette. January 30, 1875: 3 col 2.
Dr. Ah King he said he would given biges [sic] reward to any men or women who can telling [sic] more yarn or lies about other folks beside their own. Also the Doctor will make handsome present, a large stickin plaster for their mouth. Here above of the reward and present shall be have by call at Doctor’s office.
Lansingburgh Gazette. February 13, 1875: 3 col 1.
Dr. Ah King, the Chinese physician in Lansingburgh, has wedded an American girl.
“Neighborhood Notes.” Daily Saratogian. March 12, 1875: 3 col 4.
Wednesday, Charles Stowe was brought up on a peace warrant and gave bonds to keep the peace toward Dr. Ah King.
Lansingburgh Gazette. March 13, 1875: 3 col 3.
“Celestial” Intelligence.
Dr. Ah King, and his recent marriage, was the source of much gossip some two weeks ago. Last week he and his bride returned to the Burgh, and were settling down to their connubial felicity; but their short lived Honeymoon was suddenly over-clouded. The doctor has surreptitiously retired, leaving his bride and an anxious constable from Troy to mourn his gone-ness. The facts as we have them are that the doctor was married to a lady in Utica, who states that he was so cruel and abusive she was compelled to leave him. In this relation when being badgered about getting married as he frequently was he would reply, “no, no, me be to muche marry now, Ugh!” But he did marry, and hence has furnished a subject for scandal, and an item for the GAZETTE. On Monday night last a constable from Troy with a warrant for his arrest for bigamy, found him in his office, and on making known his business, the doctor asked to be allowed to go to the Phoenix hotel and get some clothes. The officer complied with his request, and accompanied him, allowing him to go up to his room and, singular to relate he has not returned but has left the confiding constable disconsolate, and mourning his loss. Gone he surely was, and in all fairness it must be allowed since he came to the Burgh he has conducted himself in an inoffensive and peaceable manner. Polite in his conduct he was generous and very happy when contributing to the pleasures of his numerous lady friends. We have never heard a harsh word of the Dr. until this marriage. we have heard that the doctor had or supposed he had, divorce papers, from his Utica wife, and that he had shown them to the family of the lady who he married. if this is so, we may yet be able to chronicle his return, and that all is peaceable on the upper Hudson.
That Heathen Chinee.
Which I wish to remark,
And my language is plain,
He was a heathen Chinee,
Ah King was his name;
He was a medicine man,
And he practiced the same.
Which he came to the “‘Burgh,”
With invoice botannical,
Which it might be inferred
Was for uses Satannical;
But he smole a smile Oriental,
A smile that was childlike and bland!
His office was stocked.
As we often did see.
And our feelings were shocked
By diplomas Chinee,
Which looked like tea-labels and “sich,”
And the same with intent—do you see?
Which with looks sentimental,
This child of the sun,
With ways oriental,
A maiden he won,
And our treaty, great Burlingame’s pride,
Was thus rat-ified—see the pun?
In the scene that ensued
There were three took a hand,
Miss Madison the first maiden wooed,
Ah King, so childlike and bland,
And Mackey, who swore by the powevs,
He’s bring the great King to a stand.
But the trick that was played
By that heathen Chinee,
And the tracks that he made
Were refreshing to see,
Till at last he brought up in New Jersey,
Which the same is a foreign countree.
Which is why I remark,
And my language is plain,
That for ways that are dark,
And for tricks that are vain,
The heathen Chinee is peculiar,
And this Mackey’s free to maintain.
Rapid transit exemplefied: Dr. Ah King when playing it on Mackey.
Dr. Ah King’s soliloquy: I singee lullaby to ee allee day longee.
The skeleton that turned up in the closet, in the back office of Dr. Ah King, was not that of Baucus either.
A fine opening as a Botanical Physician is now presented for an enterprising Sandwich Islander. For particulars apply to Dr. Ah King.
Dr. Ah King has not yet been claimed as a resident of Troy by the daily papers of that pious city, although he once passed through there. “Singular.”
Lansingburgh Gazette. March 17, 1875: 4 col 3.
DR. AH KING MARRIED AGAIN.—The Fort Ann, Washington county, correspondent of the Cambridge Post says:
“On Friday, the 12th inst., a native of China, giving his name as Ah King, aged twenty-nine, and an apparently American lady, giving the name of Christy Morris, aged twenty, came from Lansingburgh and presented themselves before Justice Brown, requesting to be married. The parties were well dressed and well behaved. Esquire Brown tied the nuptial knot with ease and elegance. After the ceremony the happy pair remained at the hotel through the night, taking the cars on Tuesday for their return.”
Dr. Ah King was married to Miss Madison, a respectable young lady of this city, about three years ago. He abused her shamefully, and she was compelled to leave him. We do not learn that he was ever divorced from this wife. For these reasons we believe the people of Washington county should look out for Ah King. When the Troy papers were writing up the man’s extensive sleigh-ride parties with ladies in Lansingburgh and vicinity, the HERALD referred to the fact that he had a wife in Utica and our item was reprinted in Troy. If Ah King has not been divorced it is but fair that the people of Washington and other counties should be informed of the fact. If he has the legal documents to show that he was free to marry again, then A. K. is undoubtedly O.K. The more we think of this matter, the more respect we have for the judgment of the old lady who remarked—”There seems to be no accountin’ for some people’s tastes!”
Utica Morning Herald and Daily Gazette. March 22, 1875: 2 col 5.
Ah King is his name,
And it is a shame
That people abuse him so-so.
For he didn’t do wrong,
This man from Hong Kong,
And newspapers shouldn’t blow so.
It’s all a mistake,
‘T’ is for Charity’s sake,
Ah King has suffered so much,
For piety’s nice,
And virtue ‘bove price,
But Charity stands above such.
Therefore I say,
Ah King’s run away,
And true love has gone it blind,
But more’s the pity,
Ah King leaves the city,
And his two pretty wives stay behind.
—”And for ways that are dark,
And tricks that are vain,
The heathen Chinee is peculiar.”
Utica Daily Observer. March 25, 1875: 3 col 1. [The quote beginning “And for ways that are dark” is from the poem “Plain Words from Truthful James” by Bret Harte.
Ah King-a-ling
Went to Fort Ann
To marry some one’s daughter;
Ah King came down
With a bridal crown,
And Mrs. King came after.
There was a young woman who lived all alone,
She found a young Chinaman, who took her home.
He kissed her, he hugged her, and loved her a lot,
Then packed up his baggage and left like a shot.
Little Ah King
Lost Mrs. Ah King
And didn’t know where to find her;
So he rushed for the train,
Through the snow and the rain,
And Constable Mackey behind, sir.
Old Deputy Maxwell,
Who always sets well,
Went for the bird that had flown;
And when he got there
He paid Ah King’s fare,
And quietly brought him home.
One, two, that will do,
The rule will never fail;
One wife brings joy, Ah King, my boy,
But two sends you to jail.
Utica Daily Observer. March 31, 1875: 3 col 1.
The counsel for Clara E. King, says the Rome Sentinel, the Utica wife of the little Chinese bigamist, yesterday commenced an action for divorce in behalf of his fair client. The motion was made before Judge Morgan, and was referred to A. T. Goodwin, of Utica, to take evidence. The application is made on the ground that Ah King had been guilty of adultery with a woman named Morris in Lansingburg. Miss Morris is the happy Mrs. King No. 2, and enjoys the company of Ah King in jail occasionally.
“State News.” Rochester Evening Express. June 17, 1875: 2 col 5.
—Dr. Ah King has been appointed steward in the hospital at Clinton prison. The doctor writes that he is as happy as could be expected whilst separate from his wife.
“Vicinity Items.” Washington County Post [Cambridge, NY]. January 14, 1876: 2 col 6.
We have received a very interesting letter from Dr. Ah King, describing his prison life, which is to [sic] long for publication in full, but we make room for some extracts, hoping that they will prove interesting to his friends in this vicinity:
MR. EDITOR:—Permit me to give a little information, through the columns of your valuable paper, in regard to Dannemora or Clinton Prison, so that the people of your village may learn something about prison life. This institution, I should judge, covers, within fences or walls, about thirty-five acres, and contains over six hundred convicts at present. The inside of the prison house contains five hundred and thirty-eight cells, so that many of them have two occupants. There are about twelve other buildings within the grounds, consisting of nail factories, forges, blacksmith shops and saw mills. The head officers of the prison treat us as kindly as the prison law will allow, and we are comfortable as can be expected under the circumstances; and I take this opportunity to return my heartful thanks to several of the officers for the many kind and loving acts they have done for me.
The great philosopher of my native country says: We dissemble our feelings, we only artificially endeavor to persuade others that we enjoy privileges which we actually do not possess. Thus, while we endeavor to appear happy, we feel at once all the pangs of internaly misery and all the self-reproaching consciousness of endeavoring to deceive.” I know but two sects of philosophers in the world that have endeavored to include that fortitude is but an imaginary virtue; I mean the followers of Confucius, and those who profess the doctrines of Christ, all other sects teach pride under misfortune, they alone teach humility.
The Doctor then goes on to tell all good Christians to deal gently with the erring, and not to shun a person who has been to prison, but to take them by the hand and give them a new trial to fight the battle of life. This, he says, is true christian philosophy. Many a man is driven to dispair by being shunned after having served a term in prison, give them a chance and two-thirds of them would make good citizens. He is very bitter on the lawyers. He says he is bound to bear up manly under his trials, and thus prove to the world his good intentions. He suggests many changes in the management of prisons, and says that most of the sentences, for the first offence, are to [sic] long. The Doctor advises all our readers to peruse the first seventeen verses of the XV chapter of Mathew. He says:
Reform is the rallying cry all over my adopted country. Let us hope that the echoes of that cry may penetrate the granite walls of these houses of misery, dispair and wretchedness; and that your journal will take the lead in this Christian crusade is the prayer of your humble servant,
Lansingburgh Courier. February 11, 1876: 3 col 3. [The quotation is from “Letter XLVII Misery Best Relieved by Dissipation. From Lien Chi Altangi to Hingpo, a slave in Persia” from: Prior, James, ed. The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Vol. 2. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1865. 198. Prior noted “This letter appears to be little more than a rhapsody of sentiments from Confucius. Vide the Latin translation.” Lien Chi Altandi was “the invention of Oliver Goldsmith” ]
—Dr. Ah King is soon to be back to the ‘burgh. We may look for him about Christmas.
Lansingburgh Courier. December 1, 1876: 4 col 2.
Ah King Free.
Dr. Ah King, the Chinese physician who was sent to state prison some time ago from this county for bigamy, was released to-day.
Troy Daily Times. December 20, 1876: 3 col 4.
Dr. Ah King has arrived; he makes serious charges of ill-treatment at Clinton prison where he was confined. They should be investigated.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. December 22, 1876: 3 col 3.

Dr. Ah King
The Celebrated
Botanic Physician,
At 595 State St., Lansingburgh, N. Y.,
(Opposite the Phœnix Hotel.)
[From broadside by Van Voast & Engel, Printers, Lansingburgh ca. 1877]
The item in the Times in regard to Ah King was founded upon a letter sent by the chief of police of Winona to the chief of police of Troy, inquiring about the Ah King aforesaid, and saying that he had made his appearance there in the character of a Buddhist priest. This seemed to be pretty direct and conclusive; but it appeared that some other Celestial, “so child-like and bland,” has been personating our Ah King, perhaps with a view of enforcing the more successfully the doctrines and precepts of the great Buddha. We are glad to know that our Ah King is in better business; and pursuing his peaceful avocation in ministering to the distresses of his fellow-beings, and that he is now living, after the tribulations he has suffered, a well-ordered life. We print his communication below, which is courteous, both in language and spirit:
LANSINGBURGH, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1877.—HON. J. M. FRANCIS—Dear Sir: I noticed in your paper (the Troy Daily Times) of the 14th and 15th inst., an article stating that I had been arrested at Winona, Minn. Will you please inform the so-called Christian individual that sent in the article to your paper, that I am at present practicing medicine in the “Burgh,” where, if he will call, I will cure him of some of his lying propensities? Yours respectfully,
Troy Daily Times. February 16, 1877: 3 col 3. [“so childlike and bland” is from the poem “Plain Words from Truthful James” by Bret Harte.]
—Dr. Ah King will take up his residence on Ann street, below North, in a few days, where he will also have his Lansingburgh office; he tarts an office on Columbia street, Cohoes, this week. In Cohoes the Doctor has an excellent practice.
Lansingburgh Courier. July 4, 1879: 3 col 2.
—Dr. Ah King has removed his office and residence to 572 State street, opposite John Engel & Son’s, where he can be found during office hours.
“Village Notes.” Lansingburgh Courier. October 8, 1880: 3 col 1.
—Dr. Ah King remains seriously ill of pneumonia.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. January 12, 1883: 2 col 6.
—Dr. Ah King is lying seriously ill at his residence with peritonitas. He is under the care of Dr. Fuller.
“Personal.” Lansingburgh Courier. January 13, 1883: 2 col 6.
_Dr. Ah King is lying dangerously ill at his residence on Market street. Hopes are entertained of his recovery.
“Personal.” Lansingburgh Courier. January 20, 1883: 2 col 6.
—Dr. Ah King, the Chinese doctor, died at his residence last Sunday morning. His funeral took place last Tuesday and was attended by many.
Lansingburgh State Gazette. April 7, 1883: 3 col 1.
Dr. Ah King died at his residence, 12 Market street, Sunday noon. He had been suffering from a dropsical affection for a number of months. Dr. Ah King came to this village from Utica, 18 years ago. By his genial nature, and modest, retiring manner, he had acquired a wide circle of devoted friends, who deeply deplore his untimely demise at the early age of 39 years. In the family circle, however, will his loss be most keenly felt. He was a peculiarly domestic man and never seemed so completely happy as when conferring happiness upon the members of his household. He leaves a wife nearing confinement, and three children of tender years. To them in their dire bereavement will universal and sincere sympathy be extended. The funeral took place from the family residence, Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Dr. Beveridge officiating. The reverend gentleman paid a glowing tribute to the many virtues of the deceased physician. The large attendance of our best citizens of all creeds and nationalities very conclusively demonstrated the fact that the dead man held a high place in the esteem of the community.
Lansingburgh Courier. April 7, 1883: 2 col 3.
Grave of Dr. August Ah King at Oakwood Cemetery