Boxing in Lansingburgh took place at Bolton Hall at least between 1913 and 1922. Some took place elsewhere, like John Morrissey (1831-1878) training at The Abbey, or limited matches at Rensselaer Park.
Troy’s Demonstration—Closing Features of the Holiday—At the Grove—The Lieutenant Governor’s Address.
Labor’s holiday closed yesterday with a mammoth picnic at Young’s grove under the direction of the Central labor council of Troy. […]
At Rensselaer park there was another Labor-day picnic under the direction of Cohoes labor organizations. The chief features at the park were boxing-matches between local men. They were well patronized.
Troy Daily Times. September 8, 1891: 2 col 5.
The Trojan Athletic Club has been incorporated to conduct boxing contests in Bolton Hall. The directors are Thomas Horan, T. Joseph Karr and Daniel McMahon.
Troy Times. September 23, 1913: 10 col 6.
Word was received to-day by Manager Cornelius A. McGrath of the Collar City Athletic Club that the State Athletic Commission has granted a license to conduct boxing bouts at Bolton Hall. The Directors of the club making the application are C. A. McGrath, Thomas Horan and Moe Myers.
The granted of the license assures the ring contests in this city, and in a few days the club expects to announce the time for the opening bouts. This will depend somewhat upon the progress made by the officers and members of the local military companies in moving their effects to the new State Armory on Fifteenth Street.
The new club has secured a lease of Bolton Hall, and Manager McGrath, who has just taken over the Troy franchise in the State Basketball League, will begin preparations at once for the opening of the second half of the league season with the first game in which the new Troy team, now being assembled, will play next week.
Arrangements are being made to introduce other athletic events at Bolton Hall, beside boxing and basketball, during the season, and the plan is to make it a popular centre for professional contests of various kinds.
Troy Times. January 28, 1922: 5 col 3.