Roller Skating at Bolton Hall
Bolton Hall in the Village of Lansingburgh was host to many activities and events, one of the main activities being roller skating. (The building had originally been constructed as the Casino Roller Skating Rink.)
—A three-mile roller skating race, open to amateurs, is announced for Friday evening at Bolton Hall. There promises to be a large field and excellent sport.
—The facilities for the enjoyment of roller skating offered now at Bolton Hall are the best that Trojans have ever had presented. Doring’s Band furnishes music every afternoon and evening.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. April 15, 1907: 5 col 7.
—Wednesday evening at the Bolton Hall rink a two-mile roller skating race, open to all amateurs, will take place. Skating may be enjoyed at the rink every afternoon and evening.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. May 13, 1907: 5 col 4.
Compiled for the benefit and convenience of Professional Skaters, Rink Attractions and all who are identified with the promotion and perpetuation of the Skating Pavilion as an Amusement Institution
Troy—*Bolton Hall: summer and winter; S. M. Spohn, mgr.; skates 1,500; audience 1,500.
The Billboard. December 7, 1907. 46. [“Asterisk (*) indicates that rink does not play attractions.”]
—At the Bolton Hall Roller Rink to-night there will be a carnival with music by the Troy City Band. Roller skating is recommended by physicians and gymnasium teachers as an invigorating exercise and one that tends to make those who practice it graceful, and in Bolton Hall local enthusiasts have one of the best rinks in the state. The rink is open every afternoon and on Saturday afternoon there is music. On Saturday evening, All Halloween, a Japanese paper hat carnival and general grand march. It will be an event in which the onlookers will find as much enjoyment as those who participate.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. October 29, 1908: 5 col 4.
—The exhibitions of trick and fancy skating being given by Prof. John F. Davidson at Bolton Hall roller rink are drawing exceptionally large crowds, and his performance elicits general praise. His act is original and different from the customary performance offered by this class. He does acrobatic work, high and broad jumping on roller skates, stilt skating and races an exhibition miles against local skaters at every performance. To-night the management will give a pair of skates to any local skater who can defeat Davidson. There will be brass band carnivals to-night and Saturday afternoon and night, and at all times there are competent attendants to instruct and aid beginners. Bolton Hall is properly conducted and is enjoying the patronage of the best people.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. December 10, 1908: 2 cols 2-3.
—At Bolton Hall roller rink, commencing to-night, the skating wonder, Adelaide D’Vorak, will give exhibitions of trick and fancy skating. Miss D’Vorak appeared at the hall last season and made a most favorable impression and many friends. Her exhibition is original, and all the time she is performing she keeps her audience in a state of merriment by her remarks and witticisms. At the conclusion of her regular performance she will race one mile against any man in the rink. Miss D’Vorak will appear in connection with the band carnivals to-night, to-morrow night and Thursday and Saturday nights and Saturday afternoon. The rink is open every afternoon and beginners are given every attention.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. January 11, 1909: col 2.
—The week of novelties and innovations at Bolton Hall roller rink has drawn unusually large crowds, and the efforts of the management to furnish something new and amusing have proved m0ost successful. To-nights special feature will be a novice race and a three-mile handicap race between Albert Nobes of Lowell, the champion amateur skater of New England, against local skaters. Saturday afternoon there will be an amateur fancy-skating contest. Bolton Hall offers one of the largest surfaces for roller skating in New York state, is conducted in a first-class manner and is easy to reach.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. January 28, 1909: 2 col 2.
—The amateur fancy skating contests at Bolton Hall roller rink have proved so successful and popular that the management will hold one to-night in connection with the regular carnival. The contest is open to all, and every participant is allowed three minutes on the floor. Substantial prizes are given to those receiving the most applause. The rink is open every afternoon, and at all times free instruction is given by competent attendants. Bolton Hall is the largest roller skating rink in New York state, is conducted in a strictly first-rate manner and is enjoying the patronage of the best.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. February 4, 1909: 5 col 6.
—In Bolton Hall roller rink local patrons of roller skating have the largest regular rink in New York state and a floor surface declared by experts to be one of the best for the sport in America. By its careful conduct of the place the management has secured the patronage and support of the best people, and the attendance is daily growing. Uniformed attendants are always present, and aid and instruction are furnished beginners at all times free of charge. The entire Troy City Band will furnish music at to-night’s carnival. The rink is open every afternoon, and carnivals are held Saturday afternoon and evening.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. February 25, 1909: 6 col 2.
—The roller skating season at Bolton Hall will open Thursday evening, when a grand carnival will be held. Excellent music will be provided, and a large attendance is expected. Roller-skating, one of the most delightful of indoor amusements, is more popular than ever, and Bolton Hall with its big area and perfect floor provides the very best facilities for the enjoyment of the sport.
Troy Times. September 12, 1910: 5 col 2.
—A grand carnival will be held to-morrow evening at Bolton Hall, and there will undoubtedly be a large attendance of roller-skaters to celebrate the beginning of a new season of their favorite sport. Fine music will be furnished, and the floor is in perfect condition for skating. Bolton Hall has an immense floor space for skaters and thus offers exceptional opportunities for the enjoyment of a delightful indoor pastime.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. September 14, 1910: 5 col 4.
—The old song, “Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet,” might be adapted to the opening this evening at Bolton Hall of the roller skating season, thus: “Put on your well-greased skates” and so forth. The office poet has just run out, so that the remainder of this valuable effusion will have to be delayed in transmission, but the suggestion is a good one. At any rate, everybody is glad that the roller-skating season is going to start to-night and there will, no doubt, be a goodly attendance this evening at Bolton Hall. Those who know how to glide over the smooth floor gracefully will be there, and some who are not proficient will start in. Strike up the band! On with the skate!
“Amusements.” Troy Times. September 14, 1911: 6 col 2.
—There is going to be something special Christmas Day at Bolton Hall—two roller-skating carnivals, one in the morning and the other in the evening, so those who are inclined toward the exhilaration of a skate—a roller skate—can procure the same at bargain rates at Bolton Hall. Music, it is said, hath charms to soothe the savage beast; it also has the same effect upon breasts more civilized. The soothing harmony as administered by William Noller and his excellent orchestra is always pleasing, and the organization will be on hand on both occasions to add music to merriment as they go “round and round on their wheeled shoes.” Those who find pleasure on roller skates will have a very merry Christmas indeed at Bolton Hall.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. December 23, 1912: 2 cols 3-4.
![Grand Opening Carnival at Bolton Hall roller skating rink Tuesday, September 16th New skates-floor resurfaced Music, Noller Admission 10c Skates 15c [Illustration of uniformed attendant kneeling as he puts roller skates on a woman wearing a large fancy hat and high heeled shoes.]](
Troy Times. September 11, 1913: 3 cols 5-7. [Cropped and Edited from scan by]
—Roller-skating is popular. If you don’t believe it, take a trip to Bolton Hall in Lansingburgh and see them do the roller glide around the hall. The trip will be convincing; also it will be enjoyable, especially if you arrive on carnival night, such as to-night will be and hear the pretty strains of music as discoursed by Noller’s Band. To-night ladies will be admitted free. Other carnivals will be held Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and Friday evening, October 31, there will be a grand Halloween carnival. Skating will be enjoyed until midnight.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. October 21, 1913: 2 col 4.
—Whether the moon shines or not to-night there will be a grand moonlight skating carnival at Bolton Hall to tuneful music by Noller’s Band. This is a special event and should be well patronized. Good roller-skates and other conveniences can be had at the hall.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. November 20, 1913: 2 col 2.
—A special Thanksgiving Day skating carnival will be held to-morrow afternoon and evening at Bolton Hall. Music will be furnished by Noller’s Band.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. November 26, 1913: 2 col 1.
—A roller-skating carnival will be held St. Patrick’s night at Bolton Hall. Skating will be enjoyed until 11 o’clock in the evening. Noller’s Band will furnish the music.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. March 16, 1914: 2 col 3.
Danseland, Formerly Bolton Hall
Dancing and Roller Skating
Dancing Masquerade To-Night. 8 Prizes
One Step Dancing Contest Thursday Night
Troy Times. November 25, 1914: 3 cols 6-7.
—The season of roller skating, which proved so popular for the past seasons, is to be resumed this evening at Bolton Hall. Many changes have been made since the place closed last year. New floors have been laid and the place has been generally painted and freshened. As usual, Noller’s Band will be on hand to play for the skaters. This evening there will be a carnival. Ladies will be admitted free.
“Amusements.” Troy Times. October 9, 1915: 2 col 3.
The regular nominating committee of the Child Steamer Company last night nominated officers but members of the committee to-day said that the names would not be divulged until the opposition committee had made its designations. It was decided to hold a roller skating carnival at Bolton Hall December 20. The following committee was appointed: Dr. H. C. Fallon, Charles Gruber, James MacWilliams, Chris Mattison and O. Anderson.
Troy Times. December 14, 1915: 2 col 1.
Colonel Andrews Declares Regiment Will Not be Called Out unless War is Declared—Conference With National Guard Authorities—Offer of Institute Students.
“There is no possibility of the Second Regiment being called out unless war is declared,” was the positive assertion made this morning by Col. James M. Andrews immediately after his return from New York city, where he had conferred with Major General O’Ryan and Adjutant General Stotesbury. The Colonel stated that the militia authorities were of the opinion that the troops already mobilized were sufficient to cope with the situation, and said that even if more were needed the Second would only be called upon as a last resort, because of the disastrous effects of the recent Troy Armory fire, in which the uniforms and equipment of all the staff and field officers, Companies A, C and D, the Medical Corps, the headquarters and supply companies and the band were totally destroyed. Acquisition for the re-equipment of these units was made some time ago, and when he was in New York Colonel Andrews visited the New York Arsenal and urged the utmost haste in the forwarding of these supplies to Troy. In the event of the crisis becoming acute one or more halls will be secured as headquarters for the various organizations, and the uniforms and equipment will be issued from there. […]
Joseph Bolton, of the firm of S. Bolton’s Sons, this morning tendered to Lieutenant Colonel Taylor the use of Bolton Hall for the local companies.
Troy Times. February 5, 1917: 5 col 2.
Mrs. M. Oetteking, who managed Riverside Park, Springfield, Mass., for the past six years, has opened Bolton Hall, Troy, N. Y., as a skating rink. Sessions are held every afternoon and evening except Monday and Wednesday. Troy has not had a rink since before the war, the government having used the hall until this year. Al Anderson, who has managed rinks in various parts of the country, is in charge of the rink. Leo Doherty, an oldtime racer, has charge of the skate room, and there are ten instructors.
The attraction for the opening week of the new rink was Red Fitzgerald, trick and fancy skater, and he proved a good drawing card.
“Rinks & Skaters.” The Billboard. March 11, 1922: 71.
—Noble-Callahan Post of the American Legion will meet tomorrow night to complete plans for the skating party and dance to be given at Bolton Hall Friday night. The new band of the organization will make its first appearance at the dance.
“City Notes.” Troy Times. March 5, 1923: 5 col 1.
The destruction by fire of Bolton Hall removes the scene of some of the most impressive popular assemblies ever held in this city. Great political meetings have been conducted there, big fairs, carnivals of dancing and skating and basketball and other spectacular demonstrations, and for a time it was as the temporary armory the military center of the city. But its glory has departed.
The fourth precinct police are doing good work in the investigation of fires. But the police must have the cooperation of the courts, when there is evidence of arson, if the fire loss and the accompanying danger to life are to be reduced.
Troy Times. February 18, 1924: 4 col 3.