☞ The presumptuous upstart, “Young America,” by way of showing the difference between him and Mr. Old Fogy, defines the latter as one “who sits on the shirt-tail of progress, and cries -won!” Lansingburgh Democrat. August 25, 1853: 2 col… Continue Reading →
If circumstances were wanted to furnish proof of the littleness of Troy, it can be found in the fact that its citizens got a law passed by the last legislature allowing them to tax the county to raise their Recorder’s… Continue Reading →
☞ The new Lodge of Knights of Jericho, recently established in this place, are doing a custom-house business. The lodge is increasing in numbers rapidly. Lansingburgh Democrat. March 31, 1853: 2 col 3. Festival of the Order of Knights of… Continue Reading →
Correspondence of the Daily Eagle. LANSINGBURGH, ALBANY CO., [sic] N. Y., August 15, 1853 I wrote you from the Mountain House a few days back, since when I have passed through Albany and Troy, and am now rusticating in the… Continue Reading →
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