At the Herman Melville House

Tag annexation

Lansingburgh and the Vermont Republic

Continuation of LETTERS found on board the British Packet, bound to New-York, but taken on her passage and carried into France. Duplicate No. 77. SIR, Whitehall, 7th February, 1781. […] The return of the people of Vermont to their allegiance,… Continue Reading →

Proposed retrocession of Batestown (November 15, 1869)

—Some years since [July 1, 1836] the portion of the village of Lansingburgh lying adjacent to the city [i.e. Batestown] was set off from the ‘burgh and annexed to Troy. Last Winter we proposed to take all the villagers into… Continue Reading →

Unification of Albany, Troy, Lansingburgh, Waterford, West Troy, Greenbush, Kenwood and Normanskill (1868)

A BIG THING.—A correspondent of an Albany paper proposes that Albany, Troy, Lansingburgh, Waterford, West Troy, Greenbush, Kenwood, and Normanskill, be consolidated into one “GREAT CITY AND COUNTY.” This would be a very large thing, open to some objections, perhaps,… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh denied a referendum vote on annexation (1900)

[March 5, 1900] The [New York State Assembly] bill (No. 1214) entitled “An act to annex to the city of Troy certain portions of the towns of North Greenbush, Brunswick and Lansingburgh, including the village of Lansingburgh, and to increase… Continue Reading →

“Größer Troy” (1900)

Größer Troy. — Das größere Troy ist zur Thatsache geworden. Gouverneur Roosevelt hat die Vorlage am Mittwoch unterzeichnet und dadurch zum Gesetz erhoben, nach dem er den Bürgern jede Gelegenheit gegeben sich auszusprechen und die dafür und dagegen vorgebrachten Argumente… Continue Reading →

“Incendiary Fires in Lansingburgh” (1869)

☞ INCENDIARY FIRES IN LANSINGBURGH—DARING ATTEMPT TO BURN THE VILLAGE—NINE ATTEMPTS AT INCENDIARISM.—Last evening at about a quarter to twelve o’clock, the barns and sheds of Chas. Baxter, in Baxterville, on the outskirts of the Burgh, were discovered to be… Continue Reading →

“Troy and Lansingburgh-A Comparison” (1868)

☞TROY AND LANSINGBURGH—A COMPARISON.—Some people believe that “comparisons are odious.” To their attention we commend the following excessively modest paragraph: “A movement is made to secure a new charter for Troy. The charter must necessarily define the boundaries of the… Continue Reading →

“Peccavi” (I have sinned) (1864)

☞ PECCAVI.—The editor of the [Lansingburgh] Gazette can take our hat: he deserves it for his defence of local institutions. It is enough—we recant. “Know all men by these presents” that the Fair Grounds, which by a lapsus pen-gue were… Continue Reading →

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