To Tom Mills. Here’s a health to thee, Tom Mills— May your shadow never be less; Long may you scatter SUGAR PILLS, Through this Western wilderness. When the air is keen and my nose is cold, Along State Street I… Continue Reading →
THE BRUSH MANUFACTURE OF LANSINGBURGH. Everybody knows that the two specialties of the ‘burgh are the brush and oil cloth manufactures, and that the brush business is the specialty par endurence. It was by an accidental circumstance that just fifty… Continue Reading →
From the Albany Atlas. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.[…] Mr. Walsh of Lansingburgh presented a ladies hat, made of manilla hemp, and in some pertinent remarks urged the members to endeavor to introduce hats of this description into general use.—The hat presented… Continue Reading →
What was the first place in Lansingburgh to serve pizza? Possibly Uncle George’s Grill, 328 Fifth Avenue, which offered it in 1952? There may have been earlier venues to do so in Lansingburgh, and certainly within Troy. An April 8,… Continue Reading →
“Buy in the ‘Burg” was an advertising slogan used in the Troy Times from 1924 to 1928 or so, with “Buy in the ‘Burgh” (with the h) from about 1929 to 1931. Troy Times. December 16, 1924: 3 col 1…. Continue Reading →
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