At the Herman Melville House

Tag lansingburgh-village

“Größer Troy” (1900)

Größer Troy. — Das größere Troy ist zur Thatsache geworden. Gouverneur Roosevelt hat die Vorlage am Mittwoch unterzeichnet und dadurch zum Gesetz erhoben, nach dem er den Bürgern jede Gelegenheit gegeben sich auszusprechen und die dafür und dagegen vorgebrachten Argumente… Continue Reading →

“An Old Safe Removed” (1907)

An Old Safe Removed. An old safe which for more than a quarter of a century had stoof in the corner of a room in the upper floor of fire headquarters on Fifteenth Street [115th Street] was removed to-day by… Continue Reading →

Jefferson and Madison pass through Lansingburgh (1791)

One can hardly visit Lake George without at some point running across some quote from Thomas Jefferson praising it: Thomas Jefferson describing Lake George Thomas Jefferson, in 1791, was among the earliest tourists in Lake George who came to enjoy… Continue Reading →

Paper streets in “the Garden” (1872)

Lansingburgh. Our enterprising townsman, Thomas R. Clark, is to convert the brick building in the rear of his restaurant on State street into a confectionary establishment, for the manufacture of all kinds and styles of candies. Why should not ‘Burghers,… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh building boom (1872)

LANSINGBURGH. — Number of Buildings Erected in the ‘burgh during 1871—Cost of Construction—Whom Owned by. Below we published a full report of all buildings erected in the village of Lansingburgh during the year 1871; by whom owned, and the estimated… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh Town Hall proposal (1872)

Lansingburgh Town Hall. The general topic of conversation yesterday in the streets and business places of Lansingburgh was the proposed Town Hall, plans and specifications of which were on exhibition at the postoffice. The communication printed below was published in… Continue Reading →

Frankfurter licensing (1896)

Five dollars were ordered refunded to Isaac Toor for a license to sell frankfurts, because no one else had observed the law in relation to such a license. “Lansingburgh; The Village Trustees’ Meeting.” Troy Daily Times. July 15, 1896: 4… Continue Reading →

Grant Hollow elopement (1871)

An Elopement—Marriage Under Difficulties. A marriage, under trying circumstances, took place in Waterford a few nights since in the following manner: A few years ago there lived in Troy a family by the name of S—h, consisting of father, mother… Continue Reading →

petition for law to prevent selling of books by peddlers from other states (1822)

N. Y. LEGISLATURE. From the Albany Gazette. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. […] Thursday, March 7. Petitions read and referred.—Of the booksellers, stationers and printers of the cities of New-York, Albany and Troy, & the village of Lansingburgh, for a law to… Continue Reading →

Village of Lansingburgh bicycle ordinance (1899)

LANSINGBURGH — A Bicycle Ordinance Adopted by the Village Trustees—A Busy Session—The Fourth Ward Fires—For the Water Supply—Minor Topics. All members of the Village Trustees were present last night when President Skillman rapped for order, and, although sitting together for… Continue Reading →

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