At the Herman Melville House

Tag lansingburgh-village

“To Be Sold, in the New-City” (1784)

TO BE SOLD, In the New-City, ten miles above Albany, A LOT of GROUND, fifty feet in front next to the river, and one hundred and twenty feet deep. It is a corner Lot, and esteemed the best situation in… Continue Reading →

“Troy and Lansingburgh-A Comparison” (1868)

☞TROY AND LANSINGBURGH—A COMPARISON.—Some people believe that “comparisons are odious.” To their attention we commend the following excessively modest paragraph: “A movement is made to secure a new charter for Troy. The charter must necessarily define the boundaries of the… Continue Reading →

“furious driving” and “fighting qualities” (1864)

☞ A GOOD COMMENCEMENT.—For years past, the inhabitants of Lansingburgh have been pestered by that intolerable nuisance—furious driving through its avenues. Although the ordinance is very severe in regard to this offence, what is everybody’s business is nobody’s, and the… Continue Reading →

“Peccavi” (I have sinned) (1864)

☞ PECCAVI.—The editor of the [Lansingburgh] Gazette can take our hat: he deserves it for his defence of local institutions. It is enough—we recant. “Know all men by these presents” that the Fair Grounds, which by a lapsus pen-gue were… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh’s Notable Dogs and Cats (1891)

Very few residents of the ‘Burgh know how many noted dogs and cats are owned here. Prominently among them is Mr. McMillan’s thoroughbred black and tan bitch “Dot.” We begin with “Dot” because she is the smallest of the lot…. Continue Reading →

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