OUR HORSE RAILROADS—INTERESTING FACTS. In the Lansingburgh Gazette of yesterday, appeared as exceedingly interesting and exhaustive article, in reference to that origin, management, and importance of the Troy and Lansingburgh and Troy and Cohoes Horse Railroads. We copy the following… Continue Reading →
Popular poetry: There was an old man of the ‘burgh, Who carried a nice little jurg; And he sipped from it frequent, Wrote things most indecent ‘Bout the people who lived in the ‘burgh. “Village Notes.” Lansingburgh Courier. January 24,… Continue Reading →
LANSINGBURGH MAN PLAYS IN NEW ROLE — Carl O’Bryan Has Appeared in Several Movies. Carl O’Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O’Bryan of 40 124th Street, who has appeared in several moving pictures, plays the part of a soldier… Continue Reading →
☞ If the Gazette continues to copy Lansingburgh Items from the Troy Times, its editor will wake up some morning and find himself famous. The last Gazette contained more local news obtained from that source, than has appeared in its… Continue Reading →
A gentleman at Lansingburg, N. Y. has discovered that tobacco can be so cultivated there as to be equal to the best cultivated in Cuba for segars, simply by pulling off the leaves when only partly grown. The Genius of… Continue Reading →
For the Lansingburgh Democrat. GUILTLESS POVERTY NO DISGRACE. Ponder it well O ye, who blessed with store, Regard with score the abject, suffering poor; In tattered garb what though thy brother be, No shame to him pertains, but rather thee;… Continue Reading →
MONUMENT UNVEILED — FIFTEENTH WARD’S TRIBUTE TO SERVICE MEN. — Two Thousand Attend Impressive Exercises in Lansingburgh—Tablet on Granite Base in Front of Unitarian Church—Memorials for Families of Dead Heroes—Speech of Secretary of State—Letters From Generals Pershing and O’Ryan. The… Continue Reading →
LANSINGBURGH. — Flag With Eleven Stars Dedicated at First Methodist Church—Addresses by Former Pastor and District Attorney—Other News of the Section. The First Methodist Church at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon contained a large audience at the service flag presentation, which… Continue Reading →
Emeline Smith Hicks (1816-1903) Oakwood Cemetery section F lot 142 grave 2 MARRIED, In Ghent, Columbia County, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. Mr. Lester, Mr. Martin W. Hicks, of Troy, to Miss Emeline Smith, of the former place…. Continue Reading →
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