Proposed Town of Lincoln (1866)
☞ NEW TOWN.–A movement is on foot to erect a new town from parts of Lansingburgh, Schaghticoke and Pittstown, to be called, we believe, the town of “Lincoln.” A meeting of those interested was held at Schaghticoke on Saturday evening, and measures taken to present the matter to the Legislature.
Troy Daily Times. February 5, 1866: 3 col 4.
☞ THE NEW TOWN.—The proposed new town which we mentioned two weeks ago, as sought to be formed from parts of Lansingburgh, Schaghticoke and Pittstown, will hardly be able to be organized during this year. It is rather late to introduce the Act, with any prospect of its becoming a law at this session of the Legislature. However, as the farmers in that district are understood to be pretty generally in favor of it, they may get matters in shape to act promptly next year, and with a good prospect of success.
Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle. February 20, 1866: 3 col 2.
☞ THE SENTINEL IS A DRY JOKER.—Speaking of the formation of the new town to be formed of Schaghticoke, Lansingburgh and Pittstown, it gives a novel reason why the name of the former town should be altered, viz: “It is very natural that the people of Schaghticoke should desire a change, as it will save a heavy expense in teaching their children to spell the name of the town they live in.”
Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle. February 20, 1866: 3 col 2.
[MARCH 2, 1866.]
Mr. White presented eight petitions of Jacob Diver and 50 others, of Pittstown, Lansingburgh and Schaghticoke, Rensselaer county, for the erection of the town of Lincoln, which was read and referred to the committee on the erection and division of towns and counties.
Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York: Eighty-Ninth Session. Vol 1. Albany, NY: C. Wendell, 1866. 536.
[MARCH 2, 1866.]
Mr. White asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled “An act to erect the town of Lincoln, in the county of Rensselaer,” which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the erection and division of towns and counties.
Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York: Eighty-Ninth Session. Vol 1. Albany, NY: C. Wendell, 1866. 551.
Special correspondence of the Troy Daily Times.
ALBANY, March 3, 1866.
In the Assembly, yesterday, Mr. White introduced a bill for a new town in Rensselaer county. it is to be called “Lincoln,” and is to be made up of parts of Lansingburgh, Schaghticoke, Pittstown and Brunswick. The ‘burgh part will embrace all that segment outside the village. The inhabitants say they are farmers; want no police or other village luxuries, and are never given a fair show for any offices. The Brunswick part is divided from the rest of that town by Bald Mountain, and its roads and bridges, they say, are not kept in order. Pittstown has an immense territory, and it was thought of dividing it into two towns some time ago. Schaghticoke, also, can spare a Southerly corner. Here are the arguments for the town. On the other hand, the question is whether the four towns will spare the proposed seceders. Will they “let my people go?” There seem to be strong reasons for the measure, but if there is much opposition it can scarcely pass. The name—Lincoln—is certainly well chosen.
Troy Daily Times. March 3, 1866: 2 col 3.
☞ THE NEW TOWN OF LINCOLN.—The subject of the formation of this town has created considerable excitement and comment throughout the village during the past week. Notice was received here a week ago last Saturday, that the hearing was to be had before the committee of the Legislature on Tuesday following. On Monday, a committee was appointed by the Town Board and another was appointed by the Trustees to proceed to Albany, to look after the interests of Lansingburgh, in the matter. The former consisted of Supervisor Flack and Justices Lansing and Hearman and the latter of James C. Comstock, Thos. McClenahan and Eugene Hyatt. On Tuesday the committees appeared at Albany, before the Legislative committee. The application of the Lincoln petitioners was presented by Hon. R. M. Hasbrouck, ex-member of Assembly, who exhibited a map of the proposed new town, and gave the reasons which the petitioners claimed as grounds for granting their prayer. The substance of the reasons was, that the assessed valuation of that part of the town of Lansingburgh lying beyond the village limits was proportionately higher than the valuation of lands in adjoining towns, and also that their proportion of town expenses was higher than they should pay, in as much as the larger portion was incurred in the village. Another reason urged was, that the town offices were mostly held by residents of the village, and that persons residing in the country part of the town, could not obtain their share of the offices. Neither proposition was strictly sound, as it was shown in answer, that the farms were not assessed at one half their actual value, and if they were, it would be no reason for Legislative interference. In regard to the offices, it was shown that they have much more than their proportion of the town offices, and they might have more if they paid attention to local politics. Out of some 15 town officers they always have from 3 to 4, which is a much larger proportion than their relative population would warrant.
The only vigorous opposition now offered to the proposed act was from Lansingburgh. Supervisor Wm. Allen, appeared from Schaghticoke. He stated that a committee was appointed by the Schaghticoke people, but they failed to appear at Albany and co-operate with the Supervisor. He therefore did not feel authorized to take the responsibility of presenting any decided objection. Supervisor Edward Akin from Pittstown, stated that a similar committee had been appointed from Pittstown but they likewise failed to connect. Brunswick was not officially represented.
It therefore seems probable that from mere default, the project will be likely to succeed. If such is the case, the town limits of Lansingburgh will be reduced to the present village territory, and about $200,000 taken from its assessment roll. What the effect may be in the end, we cannot now anticipate.
The hearing was adjourned from Tuesday until Friday last when the remonstrants respectively appeared before the committee and were further heard on the subject, and the hearing closed. The committee will probably report to-day.
Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle. March 20, 1866: 3 col 2.
[APRIL 4, 1866]
The bill entitled “An act to erect the town of Lincoln, in the county of Rensselaer,” was read a third time.
Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was determined in the affirmative, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths of said members being present.
Aley Downing Kimball Pitts A. Y. Stewart
Anderson Eldredge Kreidler Pomroy T. E. Stewart
Baker Ellis Levinger Post Topliff
Barker Faulkner Lewis A. L. Reynolds Tracy
Barkley Fay Littlejohn M. Reynolds Turtlelot
Berryman Ferris Lockwood W. H. Rice Tuthill
Biddlecom Frear McColl Richardson Vandenberg
Bills Frost McCloskey J. C. Rogers Van Valkenb’rgh
Bodine Gleason McGowan W. H. Rogers Warren
Boyd Goodrich McKay Schutt White
Buckman Harrington McVey Seebacher Wilber
Canfield Hepburn Millspaugh Selden Wilson
Calkins Hiscock More Shaw A. I. Wood
Cochrane Hoskins Morse B. E. Smith D. P. Wood
Covell Humphrey Nickerson E. S. Smith Wooster
Crawford B. N. Huntington J. Parker Snyder Worth
Deming Jenkins Patrick Speaker Younglove
Donoho Jewett Penny Stiles
Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Senate, and request their concurrence therein.
Journal of the Assembly of the State of New York: Eighty-Ninth Session. Vol 2. Albany, NY: C. Wendell, 1866. 1220.
Town of Lincoln.
The bill creating the proposed new town of Lincoln out of sections of the town of Lincoln out of sections of the towns of Lansingburgh, Pittstown and Brunswick, passed the Assembly yesterday. This will give the odd number to the Board of Supervisors if successful in the other house and with the executive.
—According to the provisions of the State laws Troy might have another member in the Board of Supervisors and two more Aldermen in the Common Council. The statute provides that any Ward may be divided so as to make two whenever its population readies a numerical point above 5,000. The Eighth Ward, according to the census of 1865, has a population of 5,399, entitling it to such sub division.
Troy Daily Whig. April 5, 1866: 3 col 1.
The ‘burgh has had an excitement. The Gazette particularizes:
“The Speigletown Hotel was sold a few days ago to Mrs. Redner for $5500. It seems, however, that the grantor had, but a few days before, leased the property to a Mr. Williams, of Pittstown, for five years, of which he gave Mrs. R. no notice, and agreed to put her in possession forthwith. The next day after receiving her deed, Alida innocently loaded up her furniture and started for her new home. Upon getting there, she found it not so easy a matter to take possession, for before the break of day, that morning, Williams had taken possession under his lease, and the capital of the (to be) town of Lincoln was in arms against the ‘burgh woman, as it was reported five hundred women and four hundred men were on the ground ready and willing to fight the lone purchaser. Considering discretion the better part of valor, Alida abandoned the field and resorted to her legal remedy against the grantor. We understand the matter has been amicably settled without bloodshed, Mrs. R. receving $500 and all her expenses to reconvey.”
Troy Daily Times. April 6, 1866: 3 col 3.
The town of Lincoln question was yesterday, and is again to-day, before the Senate committee on arguments. Schaghticoke, Pittstown and Lansingburgh are fully represented. There is strenuous opposition to the bill from the two first towns. There is no objection on the part of either section to secure another country Supervisor in the Board, as against the city, but it is preferred by most of those who do not reside within the limits of the town proposed to be taken from the three towns, to obtain the object by a simple division of the town of Pittstown by the Board of Supervisors. The Lincoln bill has passed the Assembly, but its fate in the Senate is uncertain.
Troy Daily Times. April 12, 1866: 3 col 4.
[APRIL 19, 1866]
Mr. E. Cornell, from a majority of the committee on the erection and division of towns and counties, to which was recommitted the Assembly bill entitled “An act to erect the town of Lincoln, in the county of Rensselaer,” reported adversely thereto, which report was agreed to and said bill rejected.
Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message informing that the Senate have non-concurred in the passage of the same.
Journal of the Senate of the State of New York: Eighty-Ninth Session. Albany, NY: C. Wendell, 1866. 999.