Tarbell’s Crossing
Tarbell’s Crossing referred to that part of Lansingburgh east of 121st Street on Cemetery Avenue where the avenue intersected the railroad tracks, the bed of the latter now the Uncle Sam Bikeway.
—M. D. Tarbell has purchased the dwelling house at the head of [One Hundred] Twentieth Street, which belonged to the Palmer estate, and he will shortly take up his residence there.
“Personal.” Troy Times. November 10, 1904: 4 col 3.
By Alderman Lansing—
Resolved, That The Boston and Maine Railroad Company be and is hereby directed to cause gates to be erected and men stationed to maintain same at the crossing known as Tarbell’s Crossing, at the head of Twentieth Street.
Referred to Railroad Committee.
Troy Times. September 19, 1907: 11 col 7.
—Yesterday at the three masses in St. Augustine’s Church Rev. J. T. Emmett, pastor, spoke of the matter of abolishing Tarbell’s Crossing in Lansingburgh. The matter has been agitated some time and will probably be given a hearing shortly by the State Railroad Commissioners. Father Emmett urged his parishioners to go before the commission at the hearing and give the proposition active support.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Times. March 30, 1908: 6 col 2.
The up-state Public Services Commission yesterday decided that the elimination of the Tarbell crossing in Lansingburgh will be made by erecting a bridge over the railroad tracks. This was decided upon after the report and plans were submitted by A. F. Sutermeister, Engineer of the commission. This plan is similar to the one submitted by the chief engineer of the Boston and Main Railroad. City Engineer Grimes’ plan was for a tunnel underneath the tracks. The bridge is the less expensive of the two plans. Specifications will be prepared immediately and the work will be commenced as soon as possible. The cost is to be divided among the state, the city and the Boston and Maine Railroad.
Troy Times. August 21, 1908: 2 col 4.

Photo by Lloyd.
This piece of construction work and grading was the first instance of the abolishment of a railroad and highway intersection at grade which has been directed in this city under the new law. The crossing, which is over the Boston and Maine Railroad tracks, is at the head of Nineteenth Street, Lansingburgh, and on account of the steep hill leading into the city from Brunswick and Pittstown was regarded as particularly dangerous. It is estimated that the work cost approximately $40,000, of which the railroad company pays one-half, the city one-fourth and the state one-fourth. The work was carried out by the railroad company, which performed the grading, while the contract for the concrete work was executed by John W. Flynn of Waterford.
—Matthew Tarbell has sold his property at the head of Nineteenth Street to Fred Dennin, who will take possession next week. Mr. Tarbell has moved to Fifth Avenue, between Nineteenth and Twentieth Streets.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Times. April 6, 1913: 6 col 3.