Red Rock
Red Rock was once the site of hikes and roasts, now private and overgrown.

Red Rock in Lansingburgh
The Third annual Target Shoot of engine Co. No. 4, came off on Monday last. The company turned out in large numbers—the weather was all that could be desired, and the very best spirit prevailed throughout the day. At an early hour Jones’ Band made its appearance, and about 9 o’clock the line of march was taken up. The Company marched through the principal streets of the village after which they repaired to a beautiful grove near the red rock, where the target exercises took place. The following gentlemen acted as judges—Messrs. Bradshaw, King, Mitchell, Clark, Relay, Erwin and Lamb. Refreshments were served up upon the ground, the table being under the direction of M. Coffee. Great credit is due to Capt. Alexander, who has spent much time in drilling this company and in whose good luck in winning the first Prize, a gold watch valued at $175, the company all heartily rejoice. […]
After the sports of the day were over the company sat down to an excellent dinner at the Butler House. A right down good time was enjoyed by all.
Lansingburgh Democrat. September 18, 1856: 2 col 4.
Present: I. G. Flack, president, and Trustees McQuide, Simmons, Van Kleeck, Brooks, Draper, Demers—6. […]
Trustee Demers, from roads committee, made the following report: The bridges near red rock have been completed; the bridge near Captain Burch’s has been repaired; the roadway between reservoir and red rock repaired; the stone had been placed at the opening to the Mercer street [124th Street] sewer; and would ask time on other matters referred to committee. Report received, action approved and time granted. 6 yeas.
Lansingburgh Courier. October 10, 1885: 3 col 5.
General Mention.
—The Delta Phi Society held a marshmallow road at Red Rock following a hike yesterday afternoon. There were twenty in the party.
Troy Times. September 17, 1913: 2 col 4.
General Mention.
—About fifty members of Hedding Methodist Church took a hike to Red Rock yesterday, where they enjoyed a basket picnic. Games and sports were played.
Troy Times. September 8, 1914: 9 col 2.
Y. M. C. A. Roast.
Forty young people attended the corn and marshmallow roast last night at Red Rock, given by the members of Camp Onosqua of the Young Men’s Christian Association. The party was conveyed to its destination in automobiles. The corn was roasted by Secretary Mandigo. An informal program of music was carried out. C. H. Webb and Hans Frederiksen were in charge of the committee.
Troy Times. September 24, 1915: 6 col 3.
Church Notes.
—The Women’s Foreign Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church will meet to-night with Mrs. Richard Hopkins, 824 Second Avenue. The Official Board will meet in the church at 8 o’clock. The Epworth League will hold a “hot-dog” roast to-morrow evening at Red Rock, leaving the church at 6:30 o’clock.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Times. October 2, 1922: 3 col 1.
Nine Senior Class Members Honored by Girls’ Hi-Y Association
Nine members of the senior class of Lansingburgh High School were honored at a “senior surprise” conducted yesterday at Red Rock by members of the Girls’ Hi-Y Association. All members of the senior class were guests at the party and the students honored were Misses Lorna Mallary, Marion Kafka, Frances Kane, Ruth Mulhern, Lena Hansen, Patricia Erickson, Nancy Green, Katherine Hasbrouck and Dorothy Barratt. Miss Katherine Gray is faculty adviser for the association. Members of the committee in charge were Misses Martha Smith, Marion MacAuley, Florence Smith, Winifred Smith, Marian Mallary and Louise Sprague.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Times. May 25, 1932: 2 col 4.
Girls on Hobo Hike.
The Tenssquataway Bluebird Group went on a “hobo” hike yesterday afternoon to Red Rock where the girls cooked their own supper. A program of games was carried out. The group was accompanied by its guardians, Miss Elizabeth Allen and Mrs. Frank C. Hansen. Plans were made for an outdoor meeting next Tuesday after schook.
Times Record. May 15, 1941: 5 col 5.
Group Otewokwah, Camp Fire Girls met last night at their rooms, 777 Sixth Avenue, where a baseball game was played. A nature hike was held to Red Rock the girls gathering specimens of wild flowers on the way to be pressed. On return to the home a surprise hamburg and hot dog supper was served. Plans were made for participation in the Camp Fire Girl field day Saturday at Camp Wanaka.
Those present were Kay Canavally, Lois McLean, Betty Jensen, Ann Rasmussen, Alice Davis, Marilyn Miter, Ursula Hughes and Patricia Peetz.
Times Record. June 12, 1941: 7 col 3.
An outdoor meeting at Red Rock will be held by Troop 11 of the First Presbyterian Church of Lansingburgh Monday night for practice for competitive events of the Camporee.
“Boy Scouts Again Help to Decorate Soldiers’ Graves; Youths Assist Patriotic Societies in Cemeteries Throughout City; Camporee Being Planned.” Times Record. May 23, 1942: 11 col 4.
Troop 8 of St. Augustine’s Church, Lansingburgh, went on a surprise hike Monday night instead of holding its regular weekly meeting scheduled for that night. The lads hiked up 114th Street, over Gurley Avenue, by Red Rock and to Miami Beach.
“John J. Leary, Jr., Named Official by Area Council; Former Scoutmaster Made New Neighborhood tCommissioner to Succeed Daniel D. Gardiner.” Times Record. October 17, 1943: 6 col 1.
Uptown Group to Provide Assistant for Swimming Program. […]
Commando games Wednesday at Red Rock for Lansingburgh boys proved a little rough for the 33 nine and ten-year-old Northerners and first aid was applied to a few scratched knees and elbows.
Times Record. July 11, 1944: 2 col 1.
Odaka Group, Camp Fire Girls, meeting in the Lansingburgh Boys’ Club Monday night, planned for a Hallowee party next Monday evening and for a hike to Red Rock Saturday, Nov. 4. New girls worked for their trail seekers’ rank and others on their first aid lessons.
Times Record. October 26, 1944: 2 col 5.
Tomorrow Will Be Observed as Edith Kempthorne Day by Groups.
Mrs. Robert H. Gorrschalk, president of the Guardians’ Association, announced that a card party will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Trinity Episcopal Church. Mrs. Mildred McGinnis, chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Davis and Mrs. Frank Hansen.
The two groups led by Mrs. Gottschalk and those led by Mrs. Marguerite Philo and Mrs. Wilhelmine Fairbanks will unite for a hike Saturday to the Devil’s Kitchen out on Red Rock.
Times Record. April 20, 1945: 3 col 2.
A cook-out at Red Rock in Lansingburgh highlighted the session. The campers hiked to the rock, made their own fires and cooked their food. Under the direction of Maureen Hourigan, the campers were taught the fundamental of outdoor cooking and fire precaution.
“CYO Camp Awards Ten Certificates.” Times Record. August 5, 1963: 22 col 8.