• Douw Street Ferry, Batestown to Green Island

Batestown Douw Street Skiff Ferry detail cropped from
Lake, D. J, and S. N Beers. Map of Rensselaer Co., New York. Philadelphia: Smith, Gallup & Co. Publishers, 1861. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
LaMott W. Rhodes presented the petition of George W. Cooley, and Samuel Foster that of Frank E. Dodge for a license to run a ferry from Douw street in this city to Tibbits street on Green Island. Owing to the opposition, the court decided to render a decision on Saturday.
“County Court and Court of Sessions.” Troy Daily Times. June 12, 1876: 3 col 3.
—In county court yesterday the license of George W. Cooley and Mary A. Cooley to maintain a ferry from Douw street, Troy, to Tibbits street, Green Island, was renewed, on application of King & Rhodes.
“City Notes.” Troy Daily Times. June 26, 1885: 3 col 1.
A skiff ferry is running at the foot of Douw street. The steamboats above the dam are still in winter quarters.
“In the Upper Wards.” Troy Daily Times. March 9, 1891: 3 col 6.
Ambrose Curley, who operates a ferry on the Hudson River at Douw Street has purchased a larger boat capable of carrying forty people. Mr. Curley operates a ferry from Douw Street to Green Island.
“Ferry Service.” Troy Times. August 27, 1923: 14 cols 3-4.
Douw Street Ferry Resumes Trips […]
The Douw Street ferry resumed trips today. The boat has been out of commission for the last several days while repairs were made. The boat runs between Troy and Green Island and has proved a convenience for the people who are employed in the Ford Plant on Green Island.
Troy Times. August 12, 1926: 7 col 6.
• Lansingburgh to Green Island ferries
THE SECOND ANNUAL PICNIC of the Moulders’ Union of the city of Troy will be held at Powers’ Grove, Green Island, On MONDAY, August 7th.
Several Ferry Boats will run in connection with the Troy and Lansingburgh horse cars, opposite the hospital. This will be the nearest and most convenient way of reaching the grounds.
☞ Sullivan’s Full Band have been engaged for the occasion, and a good time is predicted to all who will attend.
☞ Tickets twenty-five cents.
“Amusements.” Troy Daily Times. August 5, 1865: 2 col 8.
The little steamer Laura is going above the dam and will run to-day as a ferry from Power’s Grove, to connect with the cars on the Lansingburgh road during the pic-nic.
Troy Daily Whig. August 12, 1867: 5 col 1.
A new steam ferry boat named the Thomas Rath, was successfully launched by Horace Silliman, at Lansingburgh, yesterday.
“In Brief.” Albany Evening Journal. April 20, 1875: 3.
—The steamer “Laura” has been brought above the dam by Captain Horace Silliman. She will be used as a ferry boat between the ‘burgh and the island and will also be rented to pleasure parties when desired.
“Village Notes.” Lansingburgh Courier. May 12, 1876: 3 col 1.
• Lansingburgh to Van Schaick Island (AKA Adams Island), Cohoes ferries
The bridge leading to Adams island is now completed so far as to enable teams to cross. At present the only way of reaching the island is by a means of a skiff ferry over the Hudson. This it is understood will soon give way to a steam ferry, thus furnishing, as is claimed, a shorter route to Troy. A stock company has been formed for bridging the Hudson at the lower end of the island, and it is anticipated the river will be spanned by a handsome structure next season to correspond with the one now across the Mohawk.
Troy Daily Times. November 18, 1876: col 3.
Thos. Eccles has purchased four lots on which he will erect a fine hotel in the spring, when Mr. L. Adams will establish a steam ferry between this place and the Island.
“The New Bridge to Cohoes; Its Importance to Lansingburgh.” Lansingburgh Courier. December 8, 1876: 3 col 4.
Four carcasses of dead animals lie along the west shore of the Hudson river, between the new bridge and the Payne ferry. The stench arising is terrible. The proper officer should see to their removal.
“Cohoes.” Troy Daily Times. July 17, 1880: 3 col 4.
An unknown woman committed suicide Monday afternoon by jumping into [the] river near the old Payne ferry on Adams Island, opposite Bolton’s Brewery. Robert Truland was standing on Bolton’s pier when the woman rushed down the bank and plunged in the water. He immediately summoned assistance and a boat was secured and rowed to the spot. The body was found in about ten feet of water. The body was secured and taken to Reavey’s undertaking rooms in Cohoes and Coroner Burns, of West Troy, was summoned. The suicide was apparently about 50 years of age. She was dressed in black with a black straw bonnet trimmed with crepe. She left a satchel on the river bank and also an umbrella. The satchel contained underclothing, an apron, handkerchiefs, one of them being marked “Mrs. F.”, a comb, a pocketbook contained about $38, a Catholic book of prayers, a leaflet of prayers in French, and a card of membership in a praying society of St. Joseph’s church, New York city. There was no name on the card. The woman was seen to cross the river on the bridge from this village a few moments before taking the fatal plunge.
On Tuesday evening two West Troy ladies identified the remains as Mrs. Margaret Flaherty, of Montreal, Canada. She was a widow and resided with her two brothers. She was very religious, and she had shown signs of approaching insanity for some time past. She was undoubtedly insane when she committed the rash act.
Lansingburgh Courier. May 11, 1893: 3 col 3.
Michael Fogarty, an old and well known resident of this village, was drowned in the Hudson early Saturday morning. His body was found floating in the water at the Payne ferry, near the Adams homestead, on Adams Island, Undertaker Reavy, of Cohoes, took charge of the body and removed it to his undertaking rooms, and Coroner Downs empaneled a jury. The jury viewed the remains and then adjourned until Monday evening, when they rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. At the inquest Wm. Fogarty, son of deceased, testified that his father left home at about 2 o’clock Saturday morning to go Cohoes. He also stated that his father was sbject to fits. Several other witnesses testified, but nothing of importance was elicited. No marks of violence were found on his person, and it is believed e fed into the water while in a fit. Deceased was about 70 years old. He is survived by three sons, James, Thomas and William. His wife died only a few months ago.
The funeral was held from St. Augustine’s church Tuesday morning, Rev. Father Morrison officiating.
Lansingburgh Courier. July 19, 1894: 3 col 3.
Contractors at Work on New Troy-Cohoes Span to Start Removing Temporary Bridge To-morrow—Travelers Must Use Ferry or Take Roundabout Trip.
Terry & Teach Co., Inc., announced this morning that the footbridge between Lansingburgh and Cohoes at One Hundred and Twelfth Street, erected as a temporary public convenience, will be closed to-morrow morning at 8 o’clock, preparatory to its removal. It is understood that while the new bridge is under construction traffic between Lansingburgh and Cohoes will be taken care of partly by means of a ferry. Before the footbridge was built there was a ferry service across the river at One Hundred and Twelfth Street, but the majority of people traveling between the two communities went back and forth by way of Waterford, and it is expected this condition will recur.
Troy Times. August 18, 1921: 5 col 1.
• Lansingburgh to Waterford ferries

Detail of Lansingburgh cropped from
Wade, William, John Disturnell, and William Croome. Wade & Croome’s Panorama of the Hudson River from New York to Waterford. New York: J. Disturnell, 1847. https://archive.org/details/ldpd_11290386_000
[1847 panorama shows “Ferry to Waterford” somewhere between 116th Street and the 126th Street bridge]
• Lansing’s Ferry to Waterford in Lansing’s Grove/Pleasantdale
Lansingburgh Gazette—April 16, 1805:
The Ferry community commonly called the UPPER or LANSING’S FERRY about 1/10 mile north of the Union Bridge will be kept open for the accommodation of the Public the present season. The terms of Ferriage, during the low water, will be 9d for a wagon, and in proportion for other articles. Good attendance may be depended on.
(Lansing’s Ferry — Lansingburgh to Waterford. The bridge mentioned is the Lansingburgh-Waterford covered bridge. Note the charge in English money).
Times Record. May 18, 1971: col 6.
• Campbell’s Ferry to Waterford near Campbell’s Island
Two Escape Drowning as Auto Plunges in the River […]
Hans Land and Louis Vogt Have Narrow Escape From Drowning When Car Plunges Into Hudson Near Campbell’s Ferry.
Hans P. Lund and Louis Vogt, of 708 Third Avenue, narrowly escaped drowning at 9 o’clock Saturday evening when the car driven by Mr. Lund plunged over an embankment on the Hudson River Road about three miles north of Lansingburgh and came to a stop in about six feet of water. Both occupants were uninjured and escaped with minor bruises. Yesterday afternoon the car was recovered.
According to the account of the accident as related by Mr. Lund, the two men were on a fishing trip to Campbell’s Ferry and had started home when the car skidded in the soft clay and went over the embankment.
Troy Times. July 27, 1931: 3 col 1.

C. Wallace Campbell at Market Gardner home 586 1st Ave c. 1936 returning from his farm on Campbells Island to Nestledown which was his family’s estate