Village Docks
A special committee, consisting of Trustees Dauchy, Sippell and Dargen, was appointed to get estimates of cost of repairing North [114th] street dock, now that the water is low, and an excellent opportunity is offered.
Trustee Defreest reported that the immediate vicinity of Judson’s dock [probably 118th street] needed filling up; Trustee Sippell suggested a plan for improving the Clinton [121st] street dock, and making a gutter. The entire matter was referred to the committee on roads, streets and alleys with power.
Lansingburgh Courier. September 15, 1876: 3 col 3.
Village Notes.
—Boys, take warning! You will be arrested if caught bathing in the river off any of the village docks.
Lansingburgh Courier. July 9, 1880: 3 col 1.
Regular Meeting, Oct 18, 1880.
The trustees held a regular meeting Monday evening. President Draper was not present and Trustee Dauchy was elected chairman pro. tem. […]
Trustee Northrup reported the work on the Richard [117th] street dock finished, and the work on the M. E. church drain progressing. […]
A run of stone was ordered put down at Van Schaick and State streets [102nd Street and 2nd Avenue]. The attention of the board was called to the Grove [118th] street dock. Trustee Northrup was given power to do all the work needed at the point complained of.
Lansingburgh Courier. October 22, 1880: 3 col 3.
Capt. S. R. Noyes asked permission to join at the foot of Jay street, and to appropriate a portion of the slip at that point for the purpose. Granted, five ayes and one nay.
“Trustee Proceedings.” Lansingburgh Courier. June 30, 1881: 3 col 2.
Proposals for repairing Jay [119th] street dock were ordered advertised for.
“Trustee Proceedings.” Lansingburgh Courier. August 11, 1881: 3 col 3.
By Trustee Demers—That a special committee be appointed with reference to the repairs to the Vail [105th] street dock. Carried.
The president appointed as such committee Trustees Demers, Pettis and Pike.
“Trustee Proceedings.” Lansingburgh Courier. August 4, 1883: 2 col 3.
—At the adjourned meeting of the village trustees Wednesday night the contracts for repairing the Van Schaick [102nd] street dock and the Vail [105th] street dock were awarded to Horace Silliman. For the former he receives $50 and for the latter 78 cents per square foot, face measurement.
“Village Notes.” Lansingburgh Courier. September 1, 1883: 3 col 2
The water commissioners held a meeting Monday evening and awarded the contract for supplying pipe to Stanton and Doyle of Cohoes as agents for the Glouchester iron company of Glouchester, N. J., at $32.49 per ton for plain pipe and three cents per pound for specials. The pipe is to be delivered on the various village docks as directed by the superintendent of the board. Total amount of the contract $50,000.
Lansingburgh Courier. February 9, 1884: 3 col 5.
A special committee was also appointed by the president, on motion of Trustee Demers, to have supervision of all village docks, in order that they may be kept in such condition that the fire engines can have free access to the river at all times. This committee is composed of Trustees Stevens, Simmons and Pike. Trustee Brooks was appointed but as he refused to accept Trustee Pike was substituted.
“Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees.” Lansingburgh Courier. March 15, 1884: 3 col 5.
Horace Silliman presented the following for extending Washington [123rd] street dock.
Lansingburgh Courier. May 10, 1884: 3 col 2.
—Contractor Silliman has the Clinton [121st] street dock and the dock on the river front of J. K. P. Pine’s property adjoining, above water and the work of filling in is progresing rapidly. Mr. Silliman is now engaged in rebuilding the dock at the foot of Hoosick [113th] street.
Lansingburgh Courier. June 28, 1884: 5 col 3.
By Trustee Demers—Resolved that the matter of building a dock or safeguard for the protection of sewer at the foot of Diamond [109th] street be referred to the dock committee said committee to report as the meetting to be held Dec. 1884. Carried.
Lansingburgh Courier. December 6, 1884: 2 col 2.
—Hardly was the river open before a boy named Duncan fell in from the Elizabeth [116th] street dock. Between chattering teeth he said he wouldn’t do it again.
Lansingburgh Courier. April 11, 1885: 3 col 2.
—A scow boat belonging to Collector Swink of the Cohoes and Lansingburgh bridge was stolen from the dock at the foot of [One hundred] Twelfth street this week.
“Notes About Town.” Lansingburgh Courier. May 18, 1889: 3 col 2.
Trustee Palmer, from the committee on docks, reported that he had received two bids for repairing the [One hundred] Sixteenth street dock, from Horace Silliman, one of $45 for work and all material, and the other $40, the village to furnish materials. Bids for such repairs were ordered advertised for.
“Village Trustees.” Lansingburgh Courier. May 18, 1889: 3 col 2.
The dock committee was authorized to have the [One hundred] Sixth street dock raised three feet and the approaches graded.
Lansingburgh Courier. May 28, 1891: 3 col 4.
Charles Bradshaw will build the new coal sheds for G. F. Wood at the [One hundred] Sixth street dock.
“Local News and Seasonable Jottings.” Lansingburgh Courier. June 4, 1891: 3 col 2.
It was decided to repair the [One hundred] Fifteenth and [One hundred] Sixteenth street docks.
“Trustee Meeting.” Lansingburgh Courier. August 27, 1891: 3 col 3.
Trustee Flynn reported that the [One hundred] Third and [One hundred] Sixteenth street docks needed repairs. The committee was given power to do the work necessary.
“Trustee Meeting.” Lansingburgh Courier. November 26, 1891. 3 col 2.
—A twelve-year-old boy named Willie Smith fell from the [One hundred] fourth street dock into the river Monday morning. He was rescued by Hiram Small, who happened to be driving by and heard his cries.
Lansingburgh Courier. June 29, 1883: 3 col 1.
Specifications for repairs to the dock at the foot of [One hundred] Twenty-first street were adopted. [….] The clerk was directed to advertise for bids for repairs to the [One hundred] Twenty-first street dock.
Lansingburgh Courier. April 26, 1894: 3 col 4.