☞ A musical festival comes off in the Garden on New Year’s Eve. The Orchestra consists of two hornpipes and six canary birds. After the festival, “Lamb” will recite his Carriers address. Admittance two pistareens. The Trustees and Batestown visitors… Continue Reading →
☞ A museum has been opened at Batestown. The collection consists of ‘a mammoth beet’ belonging to Francis of the Troy Times, and a ‘pair of buckskin suspenders’ worn by the man who built the overslaugh. Admission twenty-five cents. Children,… Continue Reading →
☞ At the last meeting of the Batestown Lyceum, the Question, “When does a dog turn?” was fully debated. It was decided in the negative, although the referee intimidated that “the case being altered, would have altered the case.” This… Continue Reading →
—Some years since [July 1, 1836] the portion of the village of Lansingburgh lying adjacent to the city [i.e. Batestown] was set off from the ‘burgh and annexed to Troy. Last Winter we proposed to take all the villagers into… Continue Reading →
The Batestown & Ball Mountain Railroad. The Directors of this magnificent enterprise are pushing it on towards completion with an activity commensurate with their means. Already has a single line of rail been laid from the Troy Water-works to the… Continue Reading →
GRAND CELEBRATION At Batestown ON THE FOURTH Parade and Excursion of the BATESTOWN GUARDS. Dinner at Wier’s.—The Toasts.—Letters from Distinguished Men, &c., &c., &c. The Batestown Guards will have a high old Celebration on the Fourth. Ten bushels of pea-nuts… Continue Reading →
Card from Captain Dink. DRILL ROOM OF THE GUARDS. Batestown, July 8, ’68. To the Editor of Lansingburgh Gazette: The officers and men of my command desire me to return you thanks for the faithful accounts you have given in… Continue Reading →
GAIETY.—The “out squirts of the town,” as [Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber’s character] Mrs. Partington would say, are getting famous for gaiety and fun. Last evening, we understand, the good people of Batestown rejoiced exceedingly over the excellencies of a good supper… Continue Reading →
☞ PECCAVI.—The editor of the [Lansingburgh] Gazette can take our hat: he deserves it for his defence of local institutions. It is enough—we recant. “Know all men by these presents” that the Fair Grounds, which by a lapsus pen-gue were… Continue Reading →
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