At the Herman Melville House

Tag lansingburgh-village

Radio operator Wendell King (1916)

Two months after the United States entered World War I, a 20-year-old college student started working as a machinist in Building 23 at General Electric Co.’s sprawling industrial campus in Schenectady. His name was Wendell King, and by all accounts… Continue Reading →

Dragged into Court (1934-1935)

Troy had long hosted drag shows at its entertainment venues; below is an example of a show in Troy in 1868, two different shows in June 1872, and one from 1927. Whether they enjoyed the same popularity in Lansingburgh is… Continue Reading →

An early American word game including Lansingburgh (1831)

I LOVE MY LOVE. This may be played by any number, each taking a letter as it comes to her turn. Any mistake or hesitation incurs the penalty of a forfeit. She that begins may say, A. I love my… Continue Reading →

“Moonlight on Diamond Rock” by William Ross Wallace (1860)

MOONLIGHT ON DIAMOND ROCK.* — BY WILLIAM ROSS WALLACE. — In such a glorious night as this, did COLE, The bard of colors, on this glittering rock Talk with the scenes around, below, above, And for his canvas play the… Continue Reading →

The Tiffany-designed Memorial Fountain (1895)

Lansingburgh Historical Society Trustee Michael Barrett recently (2017) gave a lecture on Troy’s Tiffany Windows at the Van Schaick Island Country Club for LHS members and friends. While Troy has Tiffany windows in the public library and in multiple churches,… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh Crazy Quilting

An Absorbing Topic. The crazy quilt mania is devastating the Northern cities. The young ladies ask for hat linings, scarfs and even the linings of spike coats. If high-buttoned vests should go out of style the men would have to… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh’s Part in the World War 1918

The publication Troy’s Part in the World War 1918 didn’t make note of which parts of Troy the people within it were from, such facts being – then and now – trivial in comparison to the work and sacrifice everyone… Continue Reading →

“Where Troy’s Chief Industries Lie” (1890)

Where Troy’s Chief Industries Lie. A facetious but clever correspondent, desiring to show that Lansingburgh owns the majority of Troy’s industries, sends the following account of a school examination in the ‘Burg: Teacher—First female class in geographical location please take… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh and Troy recognize the imminent United States declaration of war (1917)

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on July 28, 1914 was the casus belli for World War I. The United States joined in 1917: “Joint Address to Congress Leading to a Declaration of War Against Germany (1917)”… Continue Reading →

Lansingburgh Entertainment 1830s-1840s

From our second edition of yesterday. ANOTHER FIRE IN LANSINGBURGH. This unfortunate village was visited by another destructive fire on Sunday evening, about 10 o’clock. […] Among the buildings destroyed are the following: […] Mr. Jacocks, Harness shop—Bowling Alley in… Continue Reading →

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