At the Herman Melville House

Tag pleasantdale

“Petition on River Road” (1920)

PETITION ON RIVER ROAD. — Summer Residents and Farmers on the Highway North From This City Along East Bank of Hudson River Complain of Its Condition—Ask for Improvement or Reconstruction. Contending that their protests for the last three years have… Continue Reading →

“Work of the Sidepath Commission” (1901)

Work of the Sidepath Commission. The Rensselaer County Sidepath Commission has issued the following statement: The Rensselaer County sidepath badges have arrived and will be on sale at the usual places. The price will be $1 as in former years…. Continue Reading →

“Former German Army Officer And Champion In Pleasantdale Swim” (1927)

TWO additional swimming stars have entered in the 1,000 yard open-to-all professionals at Pleasantdale, at Troy, tomorrow afternoon. The race at 2 o’clock will be to determine the 1,000 yard Adirondack Association amateur championship in which the leading stars of… Continue Reading →

Pleasantdale summer artists’ colony (1923)

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. — Leading Entertainers—Delight Audience at Pleasantdale. Some of vaudeville’s leading entertainers Saturday evening held an impromptu entertainment at the stage which they recently erected at Pleasantdale for this purpose. The actors and actresses, most of whom belong to… Continue Reading →

“Pic Nic-iana: The Fashionable Summer Amusement” (1865)

PIC NIC-IANA. — The Fashionable Summer Amusement—Pic Nics Considered Socially, Topographically, Gaily and Festively—A Glance at the Greensward—An Afternoon out of doors among the Dancers and Danceresses. Reader, dost thou pic nic it? Not such pics nor such nics as… Continue Reading →

“Socialism and Suffrage” lecture at Lansing’s Grove (1915)

An address on “Socialism and Suffrage,” with a special discussion of some of the testimony given before the Federal Relations Commission and its relation to the “votes for women” propaganda, will be given by Mrs. Mary G. Schoenberg, woman’s correspondent… Continue Reading →

Paper streets in “the Garden” (1872)

Lansingburgh. Our enterprising townsman, Thomas R. Clark, is to convert the brick building in the rear of his restaurant on State street into a confectionary establishment, for the manufacture of all kinds and styles of candies. Why should not ‘Burghers,… Continue Reading →

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