The Village of Troy was incorporated in 1794 within the Town of Troy, and ceased to exist with the incorporation of the City of Troy in 1816. It’s one of four villages in Rensselaer County that have passed out of existence, along with the Village of Greenbush (1815-1897), the Village of Lansingburgh (1771*-1901), and the Village of Bath-on-the-Hudson (1874-1901).

CHAP. 36.
AN ACT to appoint trustees to take and hold certain lands therein mentioned and for other purposes.

PASSED the 25th of March, 1794. […]
And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That Jacob D. Vanderheyden, Benjamin Covil, Anthony Goodspeed, John Pease, Ephraim Morgan, Christopher Hurton and Samuel Gale, shall be and they are hereby declared to be the first trustees for the freeholders and inhabitants of that part of the town of Troy in the county of Rensselaer residing within the limits following vizt. beginning on the north side of a certain creek called Poesten creek where there were formerly a saw mill fifty eight chains from Hudsons river, and runs from thence down along the said creek to the said river, thence up along the said river to a small creek called the Meadow creek, thence along the said creek into the woods, south seventy degrees easterly forty chains, thence south twenty three degrees and thirty minutes westerly, along the west side of the land of the late Albert Bratt one hundred and six chains to the place of beginning. The above courses to be run as the magnetic needle pointed in the year one thousand seven hundred and twenty.
Laws of the State of New York Passed at the Sessions of the Legislature Held in the Years 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795 and 1796, inclusive. Vol. 3. Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1887. 511-512.

Approximate boundaries of the Village of Troy in 1794, cropped and edited from: Klein, K. Map of the City of Troy. 1817.


Under the act of March 25th, 1794, the trustees were elected annually on the second Tuesday of May.

Benjamin Covell,
Samuel Gale,
Anthony Goodspeed,
Christopher Hutton,
Ephraim Morgan,
John Pease,
Jacob D. Van der Heyden,

1795. 1796. 1797-
No records extant.

Silas Covell,
Benjamin Gorton,
Ebenezer Jones,
John McCoun,
John Woodworth.

Benjamin Gorton,
Ebenezer Jones,
Albert Pawling,
Abraham Ten Eyck,
John Woodworth.

Ebenezer Jones,
Ephraim Morgan,
Albert Pawling,
George Tibbits,
John Woodworth.

George Allen,
Ebenezer Jones,
John McCoun,
Edward Tylee,
John Woodworth.

Jesse Bacon,
David Buel,
Timothy Hutton,
Aaron Lane,
Albert Pawling.

George Allen,
Nathan Betts,
Benjamin Covell,
Ruggles Hubbard,
Edward Tylee.

George Allen,
Benjamin Covell,
Albert Pawling,
Jeremiah Osborn,
Edward Tylee.

Albert Pawling,
Benjamin Smith,
Abraham Ten Eyck,
Edward Tylee,
Ebenezer Wilson.

1st W’d, Silas Covell,
2d W’d, Ephraim Morgan,
3d W’d, Townsend McCoun,
4th W’d, Timothy Hutton.

1st W’d, Samuel Gale,
2d W’d, Kphraim Morgan,
3d W’d, Townsend McCoun,
4th W’d, Timothy Hutton.

1st W’d, Samuel Gale,
2d W’d, Ephraim Morgan,
3d W’d, Edward Tylee,
4th W’d, Timothy Hutton.

1st W’d, Ebenezer Wilson,
2d W’d, Ephraim Morgan,
3d W’d, Edward Tylee,
4th W’d, Timothy Hutton.

1st W’d, Daniel T. Wandell,
2d W’d, Hugh Peebles,
3d W’d, Humphrey Clark,
4th W’d, Timothy Hutton.

1st W’d, Hazard Kimberly,
2d W’d, Hugh Peebles,
3d W’d, William Bradley,
4th W’d, Lewis Richards.

1st W’d, Elisha Sheldon,
2d W’d, Hugh Peebles,
3d W’d, William Bradley,
4th W’d, Lewis Richards.

1st W’d, Hazard Kimberly,
2d W’d, Hugh Peebles,
3d W’d, Esaias Warren,
4th W’d, Lewis Richards.

1st W’d, Ebenezer Wilson,
2d W’d, Hugh Peebles,
3d W’d, Esaias Warren,
4th W’d, Stephen Ross.

1st W’d, Henry Townsend,
2d W’d, John Loudon,
3d W’d, Esaias Wariren,
4th W’d, Ira Ford.
Weise, Arthur J. Troy’s One Hundred Years: 1789-1889. Troy, NY: W.H. Young, 1891. 323.